At VMworld 2013 in San Francisco, we launched the VMware NSX network virtualization platform to the world. During the keynote, our CEO Pat Gelsinger was joined by representatives from CITI, GE and eBay to discuss the promise of network virtualization and VMware NSX, and more than 20 partners announced support for the platform.

But perhaps the most successful part of our launch were the VMware NSX Hands-On Labs.  These labs were by far the most successful at the show. Attendees consumed more than 2,000 sessions, totaling 124,000 lab minutes during the four days of VMworld. That is roughly equivalent to locking yourself in a room with your laptop and doing nothing but take this lab 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for three months straight.

And now, we are bringing the labs to you online. Remember to participate in the HOL Community page at, take labs at

Try our new NSX hands-on labs. Our Hands on Labs provide an easy, no-cost way to evaluate the features and functionality of VMware NSX. This link will allow you to select intro to advanced labs as well as use case specialized labs. Updated June 27, 2017. 

Roger Fortier