This post was written by Martin Casado and Amar Padmanahban, with input from Scott Lowe, Bruce Davie, and T. Sridhar, and appeared on the Network Heresy Blog. There is a lot of discussion in the market surrounding. They will be publishing  a multi-part discussion on visibility and debugging in networks that provide network virtualization, and specifically in the case where virtualization is implemented using edge overlays.

Visibility, Debugging and Network Virtualization (Part 1)

In this post, we’re primarily going to cover some background, including current challenges to visibility and debugging in virtual data centers, and how the abstractions provided by virtual networking provide a foundation for addressing them. The macro point is that much of the difficulty in visibility and troubleshooting in today’s environments is due to the lack of consistent abstractions that both provide an aggregate view of distributed state and hide unnecessary complexity. And that network virtualization not only provides virtual abstractions that can be used to directly address many of the most pressing issues, but also provides a global view that can greatly aid in troubleshooting and debugging the physical network as well.

A Messy State of Affairs –>read more.