Multi-Cloud Application Development

Is Multi-Cloud Slowing Down Your Software Releases?

The multi-cloud era has ushered in a new chapter in software development.

As the IT architecture of today and tomorrow, multi-cloud has allowed companies to more quickly build applications that meet customer and employee demands. However, this new era isn’t without its growing pains.

“Software development in the cloud has unleashed a new chapter in our ability to turn ideas into reality at unprecedented speed, with unprecedented scale.”

– Vittorio Viarengo, vice president, Cross-Cloud services, VMware

Key multi-cloud challenges include:

  • Development

Multiple clouds mean developers have a learning curve for every new provider, and have to build apps using diverse development tools, APIs and interfaces.

  • Operations

Operations face similar issues around software deployment and troubleshooting. Without cohesive insights, security and costs are difficult to control.

  • Cloud migration

Refactoring business critical applications can be costly and slow. Policies that worked for on-prem may not work in the cloud.

Cross-Cloud™ services from VMware meet these challenges head on. By reducing multi-cloud complexity, developers can build without worrying about infrastructure, operations can deploy and manage with ease, and companies can anticipate and control security issues and costs.

Learn more about how VMware Cross-Cloud services can revolutionize your multi-cloud estate.