Are any of your VMware certifications close to expiring? If so, your recertification options include earning a VCP in a different solution track.
Your Best Certification Upgrade Path
Two-version upgrade rule: This policy was recently changed to allow active certification holders to upgrade two product versions with a single exam. (Previously, you could only upgrade one version at a time.)
Crossing certification tracks rule: This policy allows active certification holders to upgrade to a different certification track, as long as the current certification is within two product versions.
Upgrade Path Scenarios
Let’s walk through an example that uses both rules: someone who wants to upgrade to the latest version AND cross into a different certification track. In this case, from Desktop and Mobility (DTM) to Data Center Virtualization (DCV).
If a person has an active VCP5-DT, they can upgrade to the VCP6.5-DCV (the latest in the DCV track) by passing one upgrade test, because it is within two versions of their current certification. (Thanks to Sho Hirabayashi from the APJ Education group for these graphics!)
However, if a person instead has an active VCP4-DT and wants to upgrade to the VCP6.5-DCV, it would require three version jumps, meaning they would have to pass more than one exam. In this case, they could upgrade directly to the VCP6-DCV by passing one exam, but it isn’t the most current certification.
Of course, the same two-version rule holds true for people who want to upgrade within the same certification track.
I hope this helps clarify your upgrade options. Please let us know if you have any questions.