
What to Expect From Multi-Cloud Academy

Multi-cloud consumption and adoption are on the rise as businesses find new ways to optimize their operations and improve efficiencies. Organizations are moving away from a single provider model and towards a multi-cloud approach, using multiple cloud providers to meet specific needs. In a 2021 VMware study, 73% of VMware customers already use two or more clouds, and 81% of enterprises expect to be multi-cloud by 2024.1 This approach allows businesses to take advantage of the unique features and benefits of each cloud platform, while avoiding vendor lock-in.

Why multi-cloud?

Here are just a few of the benefits to moving to a multiple cloud approach:

  • Performance enhancements. With mission-critical apps as the driving force, organizations need to ensure optimized network connections across many cloud providers. Creating a resilient, multi-cloud platform is critical to ensure superior application response time and a more robust user experience.
  • Speed and agility. With the need for faster time to value and a better digital experience for end users, application developers and operators are tasked with building and scaling enterprise-grade applications quickly. With the right multi-cloud infrastructure, leveraging technologies from various cloud providers allows for building the best and innovative applications.

Although there are many benefits, multi-cloud does offer a level of complexity for operations teams when managing multiple cloud properties. Ensuring staff is properly trained can increase operator effectiveness and productivity as well as ensure your staff’s ability to move to a multi-cloud world.

Discover what’s possible with Multi-Cloud Academy

To help you understand the benefits and complexities surrounding your multi-cloud infrastructure, VMware’s newly launched Multi-Cloud Academy provides knowledge around some of the topics you may be confronted with. Training on solutions along with deeper product knowledge resources to help you along your journey is also included.

VMware’s Multi-Cloud Academy is designed to provide you with resources so you can find what you need. Whether you are new to multi-cloud or are a well-versed veteran, we can help. Our Academy has three tracks, so there’s a level for everyone, no matter what your experience is.

If you want to better understand a topic or solution so that you can simply be more conversant, the first track is designed to meet your needs. For those who are already familiar with the basics and want to go a bit deeper to explain or walk through the solution or product, the second track is designed for you. For those who are ready to design, configure and manage a solution, the third track was designed with you in mind.

The Academy is online and is accessible 24/7. Along with webinars to learn from the experts in the field and network with industry leaders, you will find solutions and product training that will build your knowledge. You can even earn certification badges along the way!

Learn more today!

Ready to get started and join VMware’s Multi-Cloud Academy? If you are already a part of the VMware Customer Connect community, be sure to access the Multi-Cloud Academy on the “what’s new’ announcement pop up. You can also access the Academy landing page from Learning Library > Groups > Multi-Cloud Academy. If you’ve yet to join VMware Customer Connect, sign up to join the best learning community around.

1VMware FY22 H2 Benchmark: Digital Momentum, August 2021