As the saying goes, it takes a village. To produce superior education resources, we ensure that content is current, high quality, and provides all of the information learners need to succeed. We draw expertise from a variety of job roles, experiences, and locations to diversify and broaden our understanding of real-world scenarios—and our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are the backbone of those efforts.


The VMware Education Contributor program has grown over the past year. We introduced a points-based system, where SMEs can earn rewards and digital badges as proof of their expertise. And now we are expanding the program even more!


This month we are launching a dedicated site for our SME community. Within the community, SMEs now have:

  • profile control to update information about experience, credentials, and areas of interest
  • points accumulation details in order to earn prizes and swag
  • information about upcoming development activities, allowing SMEs more control over their schedules to plan around upcoming opportunities
  • dedicated forums to guide conversations and provide a direct line of communication back to the Education team.


Read the FAQ to learn more. Use your myLearn account to join the VMware Education Contributor Program.