VMware Hands-on Labs VMworld Hands-on Labs

Final Round of 2017 Hands-on Labs to be Released!

The wait is finally over!  We are back from VMworld Europe and will be releasing the remaining labs in the 2017 Hands-on Labs catalog over the coming days.  Today’s release will focus on the Top 10 series labs.  These are labs that proved to be popular at VMworld and have yet to be released.


As a reminder, when we add a new 2017 lab, the corresponding 2016 lab will retired to the HOL Archives catalog, where it will eventually be decommissioned on December 1st, 2016.  Keep in mind that we are significantly reducing the “pre-pops” for the older 1600 series labs that are in the Archive catalog to make room for the new content.  If you do choose to take a lab from the Archive catalog, you may wait a bit longer for the Lab Status indicator to display “Ready”.

You can review my previous post to see which lab(s) will be retired when a new a lab is made available, where to find the older lab and what to watch out for.


Without further delay, here are the new labs available for you!  If you don’t see your favorite lab listed, keep checking back throughout the week.  You can click on the lab SKU link to be taken directly to the lab entry and start taking the lab.  Also, you can download any of the lab manuals from the Hands-on Labs Document site!

Lab SKU Description Archived 2016 Lab
HOL-1705-SDC-1 Site Recovery Manager: Data Center Migration and Disaster Recovery HOL-SDC-1605
HOL-1721-USE-1 vRealize Automation 7 Basics HOL-SDC-1621, HOL-SDC-1633
HOL-1721-USE-2 vRealize Automation 7 Advanced HOL-SDC-1632
HOL-1721-USE-3 vRealize Automation Advanced Extensibility HOL-SDC-1632
HOL-1721-USE-4 DevOps with vRealize Code Stream HOL-SDC-1621
HOL-1721-SDC-5 Introduction to vRealize Orchestrator HOL-SDC-1632
HOL-1721-SDC-6 vSphere Automation with PowerCLI HOL-SDC-1607
HOL-1781-HBD-1 VMware vCloud Air – Jump Start for vSphere Admins HOL-HBD-1681
HOL-1783-HBD-1 VMware vCloud Air – Manage Your Cloud HOL-HBD-1683
HOL-1784-HBD-1 VMware vCloud Air Disaster Recovery HOL-HBD-1684

Thank you for your continued support of the Hands-on Labs and to the volunteers that make all of this possible!14