VMware Hands-on Labs VMworld Hands-on Labs

Win Cool Prizes at VMworld just by taking Labs!


Would you like to win a new laptop, a GoPro Hero or iPod Nano?  Hands-on Labs and CloudCred are teaming up at VMworld to reward you for doing something you already love doing, taking Labs!  By signing up for CloudCred and completing Labs, you will have the opportunity to win these and other exciting prizes.

If you are not familiar with CloudCred, it is a way to build your cloud expertise, broaden your professional network and reward you at the same time.  You earn points by performing tasks that help show off your cloud skills or bring you up to speed on things you may not be familiar with.  You can then turn those points into rewards, like CloudCred merchandise, a 3D printer or other electronic gadgets.  CloudCred runs year round, but the team is creating special tasks just for this year’s Hands-on Labs at VMworld.  You can find out more about CloudCred and sign up for an account at their website:


Once you are at VMworld and have completed a lab, a new screen will popup asking you to take a survey, but you will also see a QR and verification code to signify that you have completed the task.  All you need to do is scan the QR code and it will take you directly to the CloudCred task for the lab where you can then enter the verification code to complete the task.  The verification code is unique to you and the lab you have completed.  Also, in order for the lab to count, you will need to spend a minimum of 20 minutes in it.  If you don’t have a smartphone with you, just write down the code and enter it in when you have access to a computer.

CloudCred QR

While you can sign up for a CloudCred account at VMworld, I would suggest signing up beforehand and getting a group of colleagues to create a team.  Teams are one of CloudCred’s other great features and it lets you challenge other teams to complete tasks.  At VMworld, we will have Team Challenge tasks.  You can challenge another team and whoever completes the task first, gets all the points!


The CloudCred team will has created a ‘World’ just for the Hands-on Labs at VMworld, including our own leader-board and we will be giving away prizes to the daily leaders.  You can find the lead-board all throughout the conference on the  jumbo-trons and in the Hands-on Labs.  We will also be randomly selecting users in the lab each day to give away prizes, too.  While you may not be at the top of the leader board, you will still have an opportunity to win!

While you are at the show, be sure to check out the ClouCred booth in the Solutions Exchange.  They will have more information about the program and be able to answer your questions.

If you have never taken a lab before, now is a great time to do so.  Sign up for an account today and we’ll see you in the Labs!