News Behind-the-Scenes Events Experts Explore 2024 Explore 2024 Las Vegas

Watch the 2024 Las Vegas Online Welcome Session

Prepare for Explore 2024 in Las Vegas by hearing directly from the VMware Explore Events Team. Learn how to plan your agenda and navigate the event with ease during this online orientation.

Join us at VMware Explore

Las Vegas, Nevada | The Venetian
August 26 – 29, 202

It’s not too late! You too can join the crew.

Our experts are here to deliver key insights and practical advice for getting the most out of VMware Explore. This session will provide you with the strategies and tools needed to navigate the event with confidence.

Welcome Session for Explore 2024 Las Vegas Agenda: Mobile App, General Info, Event Maps, Content Overview, Event Highlights, The Expo, Stay Connected
Covering all topics needed to ensure a smooth and maximized experience. Click play on the video below.

Tune in to the Online Welcome Session and get essential tips from the VMware Explore Events Team on how to make the most of #VMwareExplore 2024 in Las Vegas. Click To Tweet

Learn how to discover the best sessions, plan your day, and make the most of your time at VMware Explore 2024 in Las Vegas. Check out the Plan Your Experience page on our website for even more resources.