Partners Success Stories

Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS Accelerates Time-to-Market with VMware Cloud Foundation

Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS is the strategic IT division of Europe’s leading telecommunications company, Deutsche Telekom. The company has been operating in the Russian market since 1995. During that time, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS has established itself as a leading provider of IT services in telecom, automotive, logistics, healthcare, and many other industries. In Russia, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions operates in three areas—software development, telecommunications, and cloud services.

Today, the company mainly focuses on developing innovative technologies in areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. Their constant development increases the amount of data to be processed, which, in turn, leads to higher requirements for the quality and speed of processing. Therefore, the company needs to boost computing power and implement innovative software tools that can process large amounts of data and speed up the development of new products to move forward with innovative work.

99% of the services provided by Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS are related to software development. This requires a large number of environments and a lot of computing power to be able to test the software during development, as well as to test hypotheses and validate different versions of this software.

However, not all environments and computing power can be deployed in a public cloud, primarily due to security concerns. Hence the need to establish a private cloud. As a result, the company chose VMware Cloud Foundation to help it replace its old virtualization system and deploy a private cloud in Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS systems to which all computing power would be transferred. This allowed the company to speed up processing requests for computing power and environments from developers and testers. Now, they get them in 20-30 minutes instead of 1-2 days. The tool also helped reduce the workload of the technical support staff and opened up new opportunities for virtualization: for example, by helping the company create virtual labs for training courses.

VMware Cloud Foundation was chosen for several reasons. First, the tool can perform many tasks with minimal customization, which allows the company to save some time implementing the project. Second, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS, as a global company, takes a lot of interest in advanced systems that ensure information security. The VMware product includes solutions for granular network security configuration that enables the company to customize the security rules to suit each business objective.

Pre-testing VMware Cloud Foundation took only 3 months. The success of the trial confirmed that the solution was up to the task, so the company began preparing to scale its VMware Cloud Foundation implementation.

In the future, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions RUS is planning to further increase the power of its private cloud. Having used the solution for a year, the customer has learned that VMware Cloud Foundation is a stable and reliable solution that offers many IT and business benefits. At the same time, T-Systems is planning not only to deploy the solution for customer service but also to upload the systems that it uses to maintain its internal infrastructure to the cloud. For example, the company creates systems related to blockchains, IoT, and machine learning, which require significant resources. Therefore, the company strives to keep pace with technological progress and further expand the capabilities of its products.

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