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QUIZ: What type of VMworld-er are you?

VMworld is fast approaching, and 2020 marks the 16th anniversary of the annual event – since its launch in 2004.
That’s right! 16 years adds up to hundreds of keynotes, thousands of sessions and millions of visitors! But the best part is, each person has their own unique experience.

So, whether you’re a regular attendee, or this is your first year attending, we’ve put together a quiz to determine exactly what your VMworld personality type is.

Are you a stickler for the sessions? Crazy about competitions? Or just in it for the social scene? Now’s the time to reveal your style.

As you answer the following questions, keep a note of your answers and once you’re done, simply total them up and reveal exactly what kind of VMworld-er you are. And don’t forget to share your results using #VMworld your social channels!

Pencils at the ready…

PS. Registrations are now open, so if you haven’t yet, don’t forget to reserve your virtual seat at the most highly anticipated event in the tech calendar here.


Q1: Time for today’s keynote! What about the session are you most looking forward to?

a. Being one of the first to hear new announcements

b. Seeing my favourite VMware executives IRL

c. The new knowledge I’ll be able to apply to all my work


Q2: Lunch time! Which of these Spanish foods would be your ideal post-keynote snack?

a. Gazpacho





b. Paella –





c. Churros 





Q3: What’s the one accessory could you not attend VMworld without?

a. My laptop/notepad to jot down all the insights!





b. My VMworld merch – socks, backpack, you name it!






c. The official VMware Odyssey sports jacket







Q4: You’ve got free time in Barcelona after your next session, where are you heading first?

a. La Sagrada Famillia 






b. Opuim Bar






c. Parc Güell







Q5: It’s time to plan your itinerary! What VMworld session track are you most looking forward to?

a. Virtual Cloud Network






b. Emerging Trends






c. App Modernisation







Q6: On a typical day, where do you find you work best?

a. In my home office, where I can focus on my own work

b. Anywhere is fine, as long as I’m in touch with my colleagues

c. In my company’s office – keep it traditional!

Q7: Which of these would you choose as your Zoom background?



















Q8: Time for a throwback. Which of the below was your favourite VMworld theme?

a. Make Your Mark






b. No Limits













Q9: VMworld is a HUGE event, and you’d normally find yourself walking up to 10km per day! How are you going to get your steps in at home this year?

a. I’ll gladly miss out on the steps as long as I can tune into my favourite sessions.

b. Head out for a long walk with friends after work

c. Easy… Treadmill while live streaming the sessions = the ultimate healthy multi-task!



Mostly As: The Content Consumer

You’re 100% there for the content! You’ will be using your time at VMworld wisely, soaking up all the knowledge you can, and using it to impress your colleagues over the next year, which means this VMworld might just be your best yet! With the opportunity to catch up on-demand afterwards, you can now consume more content from the event than ever before!

Mostly Bs: The Social (Networking) Butterfly

You can’t resist an opportunity to network, whether it’s chatting to likeminded tech professionals after a great keynote, or getting in amongst the action at the closing party – you’re there! You might think that this year’s virtual VMworld won’t offer you the opportunity to spread your social wings, but don’t panic! There will be plenty of opportunities to chat to other VMworld attendees, create some great new contacts and celebrate as usual. To find out more about our opportunities to catch up with other VMworld attendees, register now.

Mostly Cs: The Odyssey Fanatic

You’re all about the practical challenges! You love to test your knowledge and expertise of the VMware portfolio with Odyssey Hands-on Labs, especially when there’s competition involved. You dream of topping that leader board, winning some amazing prizes (and bragging rights for the rest of the year)! Luckily for you, Odyssey is just as much a part of VMworld 2020 as any other year, so get practising, because this might just be your year…