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3 of the biggest technology priorities for 2022

2022 is just around the corner, end-of-year deadlines are looming, and Santa is warming up his sleigh as we speak…

As we begin to wind down for the festive period, it’s the perfect time to take stock of the year gone by and look ahead to what the future holds for your organisation, and the technology industry as a whole.

We’re not talking flying cars, teleportation, or anything you might have seen in ‘Men in Black.’

We’re talking about the most pressing areas of focus for tech organisations – big and small – around the globe. From a net-zero approach to sustainable infrastructure, to digitisation and the realities of the remote-working world.

Here are the three  priorities you can’t afford to not be on top of for  2022.

  1. Sustainability

Sustainability has long been on the technology agenda, but with this year’s COP26 climate summit catapulting the need to move towards a net-zero approach, the onus is on organisations worldwide to act, and act quickly.

For companies across all industries, this means working towards sustainable solutions. Just take the Air Traffic Management (ATM) industry working on virtualisation processes to introduce sustainability in the sky, or the environmental, corporate and social governance initiatives taking place in the world of banking.

The verdict? If sustainability isn’t already on your agenda for 2022, it should be. For inspiration, or to see what we’re doing at VMware, take a look at our ESG strategy.  

  • Digitisation

Businesses have been fast-tracking digitisation out of necessity since 2020.

As we approach the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to shift away from survival mode and into the more permanent world of hybrid working should be at the forefront of your 2022 strategy.

The BIM Team at the PIK Project recently deployed VMware Horizon to make remote working a more long-term, and comfortable solution for employees, allowing its teams to manage a huge number of devices, and all the resources they need via the Cloud.

What’s more, ongoing digitisation initiatives have multiple benefits – ranging from reduced CO2 emissions to a more inclusive, accessible workforce. To read more on digital transformation, see our range of blogs on the topic.

  • Intrinsic Security

As we approach 2022, businesses who put a higher level of focus on data privacy, protection and security are set to prevail.

Hackers are becoming more and more advanced, and their methods are ever more subtle, with some hiding undetected in corporate networks for long periods of time. Meaning  it’s more important than ever for businesses to ensure they have the right security tools, and that employees are trained with the latest information to protect company networks as much as possible.

For 2022, solid, robust, intrinsic security is an invaluable tool.  For more information, take a look at how we’re protecting our customers and partners with VMware security solutions.

Will you be prioritising the three areas above? Or do you have other goals for your business in the new year? Let us know, and join in the conversation on social, tagging us at @VMware_EMEA.

From all the team at VMware, we wish you a wonderful holiday period, and a very happy and healthy new year.