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5 key cloud lessons you’ll learn from this year’s VMworld

Hervé Renault, VP Cloud Sales, EMEA

I’ve worked for VMware for over 10 years, and each time VMworld approaches I get more excited. That’s because, every time, I’m taken back by the incredible innovation, and the new, amazing things that are achieved by bringing some of the world’s sharpest technical minds together.

At VMworld last year, much of the discussion focused on cloud’s role in supporting business agility and resiliency in the context of the pandemic, as countless businesses sought to move applications to the cloud quickly to support distributed working. A year on, it’s clear this process has accelerated many businesses’ planned transition to cloud and elevated cloud maturity, as they respond to end user demand for a digital-first, app-driven future.

A huge part of this increased maturity is down to the shift from an ‘unintentional’ to an ‘intentional’ cloud. Where before many businesses’ use of cloud was often incidental, and the result of siloed business units rushing to adopt cloud solutions and services to support their own apps in the absence of an overarching corporate cloud strategy, we’re seeing more organizations be more strategic in their use of cloud. It’s a mindset shift from a ‘cost’ to a ‘value’ focus that’s born from a growing understanding that they need to assess the roadmap for every application first, and establish the appropriate cloud environment for its needs before opting for the cloud that will satisfy these demands effectively.

This is why we’re so laser-focused on helping our customers and partners evolve their skillsets so they can realize the immense value of multi-cloud infrastructure as a sustainable platform for modern apps.

It’s also why our Multi-Cloud Track at VMworld 2021 features our broadest range of sessions ever, including Hands-on Labs, panel discussions and demos amongst others, all of which are designed to help you extend your own skillset and support your organization’s growing use of cloud. So as VMware executives, field-leading knowledge experts and industry leaders from all over the globe convene for what is the world’s premier multi-cloud event, I’m taking this opportunity to highlight five key lessons you can take away by taking part in this track.

Five key lessons you can take away

1. How multi-cloud makes you fit for the future

Our keynote cloud session promises to be a cracker. We’ll share details of how VMware’s strategy for delivering multi-cloud infrastructure across any cloud is evolving by exploring of our upgraded core infrastructure and cloud management offerings, and take a deep dive into how our expanding cloud provider and hyperscaler partnerships will benefit you as a customer.

2. VCF’s role in driving value from your infrastructure

If you’re looking to make the most of multi-cloud, then a modernized datacenter incorporating all these cloud capabilities and advantages is an absolute necessity. Fortunately our ‘VCF tips and tricks’ breakout session promises to show you the benefits of bundling compute, storage and network virtualization into one single platform, whether as a service within a public cloud, or on-premises as a private cloud. Our experts will get up close and personal with the industry’s most advanced hybrid cloud platform in this session by highlighting some of its lesser-known features, advising on common pitfalls to avoid, and sharing tips on how you can start driving business value from your infrastructure deployments from the outset.

3. How to master cloud management in any environment, with ease

If you’re tasked with maintaining security, compliance and control across clouds, then consistency between them  – from operations to management, and everything in between – is critical. Our ‘Guide to the Cloud Operating Model’ session will serve as your definitive guide to cloud management, outlining how you can deliver a consistent cloud operating model both across VMware Cloud and many public clouds, as well as and modern and traditional apps. 

4. What it takes to start acing app modernization

We are in the middle of a major change in the way apps are built, run and managed, as modern apps emerge as the primary drivers of tomorrow’s digital-first businesses. But for many, it can be difficult to know where and how to start their journey. Our ‘Deep Dive’ session will set you on the road to acing app modernization by showing you how VMware Tanzu and VMware Cloud AWS can help you free your existing apps from your infrastructure by leveraging Kubernetes, giving your developers the freedom to build new, innovative ones in the cloud.

5. The key ingredient to combatting data complexity in the cloud

Demand for availability, scalability and security from applications is creating huge volumes of highly complex data that only other apps can decipher. Traditional cloud management approaches aren’t sufficient for managing this complexity, and that’s where AI and machine learning come in. Our session on the role of AI in managing tomorrow’s clouds promises to provide unique insight into how we’re shaping what cloud management might look like in future. You don’t want to miss it.

Join the cloud conversation

Our multi-cloud solutions provide a unique blend of choice, speed and control that delivers the innovation and freedom of every cloud, with the simplicity of one. These five sessions are a small selection of the huge range that covers our entire cloud portfolio, and caters to your every cloud need. They’re also available for you to attend from wherever you want, too!

And don’t forget, VMworld isn’t just an opportunity to extend your skills. It’s a global forum where you can hear from industry leaders on new trends, grow your network and connect with a community of cloud professionals.

Have a look through our content catalogue here, which will be available until seven days after the event, to see which of our great range of sessions from our multi-cloud track and beyond sparks your imagination.