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News & Highlights

Attend Future:NET 2021 – A Premier Networking Event

What is Future:NET? 

Sponsored by VMware, Future:NET 2021 is the premier thought leadership event on networking of the year. Scheduled for March 23 in AMER and March 24 in EMEA and APJ, the event will be simulcast live around the world—showcasing authentic, in-depth discussions led by the who’s-who of networking leaders. Come prepared to hear open, honest, and sometimes lively conversations about the future direction of networking. 

How is Future:NET 2021 Different from Previous Years? 

Future:NET has always been an invite-only, in-person event held during VMworld U.S. This year, we are taking it to the next level with a virtual format that will be broadcast live to a global audience on a new, interactive online platform. This will preserve the intimate, authentic feel of past events while allowing participants to share valuable insights with change agents around the world. 

Why Attend Future:NET? 

Future:NET is a different kind of industry event. While other networking conferences have been reduced to vendor showcases, Future:NET disallows product pitches in favor of open debates that foster in-depth conversation among professionals across the industry. This will not be a VMware showcase or a think tank. Future:NET is a vendor-agnostic industry event led by those who have forecasted, created, or disseminated change and who are lured by new technology and its ability to transform the world. Hear from luminaries such as Albert Greenberg from Azure, Bikash Koley from Google Cloud, Nick McKeown of Stanford University, Pere Monclus from VMware, and Vijoy Pandey from Cisco. 

For the first time, we will be streaming the entire event around the world for those who are interested in tuning in. We’ll also be adding unique interactive features to continue fostering authentic connections. 

What Can I Expect to Learn? 

This year’s theme is The Future of Networking in Four Acts. From new connectivity services to the pursuit of a virtual network autopilot, you’ll get a better understanding of what the new work environment will look like in the near and long term — and how far that vision has shifted over an unprecedented previous 12 months. 

Act 1

Join industry titans in a discussion about Modern Apps and Users—The Rise of Connectivity Services  

Act 2

Catch a deep dive into The Virtualized Network Infrastructure—The Pursuit of Autopilot  

Act 3

Hear industry experts debate the migration to software in Evolving the Physical—How Far Will It Go?   

Act 4

Don’t Forget the Humans in this fireside chat about the future of network teams.  

How Do I Register? 

Space is limited, so make sure you register soon. In the meantime, learn more about Future:NET 2021 on the official event website