News & Highlights

9 Reasons Why You Should Register for VMworld Europe Today!

Oh look, you think. Another blog on why you should attend another vendor event. No doubt this one will tell you how it’s going to give me greater insights into the challenges facing today’s enterprises, or what you can expect to learn from its greatest ever number of sessions in areas that I’m working on, or all the keynotes you’ll sit through.

Well, you’d be wrong.

We could talk about all those things (and we have done already), but this time we want to focus on the bits that don’t end up in the comprehensive content catalog.

It’s a bit like when you start a new job. You get the official orientation, but really it’s the unwritten rules that you want to know about. With a forward thinking employer, you might get a guide, someone at a similar level to you, that can help you navigate those tricky first days.

Think of this blog as that guide. Or at least, a source of inspiration. There’s really too much to cover in one post, so for now, here’s our top alternative reasons to come to VMworld Europe.

1. It’s in Barcelona.

The city of Messi, Sagrada Familia, Las Ramblas, Fira Gran Via – who doesn’t want to come to Barcelona? While your days will be spent absorbing the collective knowledge of some of the industry’s best and brightest in one of Europe’s best convention centres, your nights could be spent exploring all that this magnificent city has to offer – even if that’s just going to one of the main networking events or partying through after the main fun has finished.

2. Seriously, it’s in Barcelona.

Look at the beach.

Now register.

3. Expand your brain, man.

Whether it’s getting schooled at our Hands-on-Labs or hearing from the industry’s very best at our showcase keynotes and breakout sessions – VMworld Europe is the place to get you to the top of your digital transformation game.

4. The food is pretty special.

To paraphrase Napoleon, a conference functions on its stomach. We’ve known that from day one, which is why it’s harder to not find food at VMworld than it is to find it. From morning pastries to go with your first coffee break, to easily-eatable-with-one-hand lunches, to those all-important mid-afternoon-slump-pick-ups, there’s something for everyone. Need to have your dietary requirements catered for? Not a problem.


5. You’ll meet old friends…and make new ones.

We’re pretty sure a lot of what makes people come back time and time again is the chance to reconnect with some of the great people they’ve met before. But don’t worry if you’ve never been – we aren’t talking about impenetrable cliques. People come to share knowledge and learn new things – you’ll be hard pressed to find a more open, welcoming bunch of people anywhere.

6. You’ll work hard and play hard.

We mentioned about the host of after-hours networking and parties that take place. That’s in the first couple of days. On the final night, there’s only one party in town – VMworld Fest. Last year we had the Kaiser Chiefs. The year before – Faithless! This year…you’ll have to come along and find out. All we can say is that every year VMworld Europe has been bigger than the last, and that’s true of the parties too.


7. You’ll get the workout of your life (maybe).

VMworld Europe is pretty huge. If you want to see everything you want, you’re going to walk. A lot. In between the sitting around, attendees clock up on average 24,352* steps a day. We recommend packing some sturdy shoes and busting out your pedometers.

8. Chillout time at VMvillage.

Between walking around all day, soaking up a tonne of insights, and networking with like-minded individuals – you’ll likely need a breather at some point. But do not fear – VMvillage is here! Plonk yourself down on a beanbag, plug in your phone and recharge (literally).


Get yourself down to the Solutions Exchange if you’re a fan of free stuff. T-shirts. Pens. Pins. Stickers. All of the swag. You can also earn virtual achievements throughout VMworld by simply scanning your attendee badge wherever you go during the event, to scoop up additional goodies.


Like we said, there’s too much to cover in one post, but hopefully this has given you a bit of inspiration. In all seriousness, VMworld Europe wouldn’t get bigger and more in depth each year if something wasn’t right. Over 10,000 people attended last year, from customers to partners, VMware staff to analysts, journalists and government officials. They can’t all be wrong.

To find out why people keep coming back, and why this year’s VMworld Europe is going to be the best yet, register now.

(*Editor’s note: Completely made up. Actual average steps per attendee per day unavailable currently, but it’s a lot.)