Events VMworld

VMworld Hackathon Training Session Prerequisites

As mentioned previously, we’ll be offering four pre-hackathon training sessions at VMworld in Las Vegas.

In order to ensure attendees get the most out of these sessions, we wanted to share with you a number of prerequisites.

Getting these thing in place before you arrive Monday evening will help accelerate the trainings and give everyone a chance to spend more time on the content.

As always, please find us on Slack or on Twitter or let us know via the comments if you have any questions. Thanks!

Hackathon Training: Getting started with Clarity [VMTN6719U]

Trainer: Jeeyun Lim, Senior UI Engineer, VMware

Want to learn how to design an awesome looking UI with the clarity framework? Bring your laptop and follow along as we go from zero to UI in this session and show how easy it is to use the VMware Open Source Clarity Framework to make your apps look awesome!

Hackathon Training: Integrating VMware API’s and Amazon Echo (Alexa) [VMTN6721U]

Trainer: Cody De Arkland, Senior Systems Engineer, SLED West, VMware

Bring your laptop, GitHub account and your favorite IDE and learn how you can easily get started integrating your VMware environments with your Amazon Echo devices. We will take you on a magic carpet ride exploring Python, the Flask web framework, VMware API endpoints, Clarity, and Docker. By the end of this session, you’ll be a few steps closer to having your Homelab talk back to you!

Hackathon Training: Open Source Projects for Enterprise Cloud Native Applications [VMTN6718U]

Trainer: Haining Zhang, Chief Architect, VMware

Bring your laptop and learn how to deploy, manage and develop cloud native applications with the latest VMware open source projects. Topics include VIC engine, Admiral, and Harbor.

Install the latest version of Docker on your laptop:

Hackathon Training: Getting started with the vSphere Automation SDK for Python [VMTN6720U]

Trainers: Steve Trefethen, SDK Manager, VMware & Tianhao He, Staff Engineer VMware

Bring your laptop, GitHub account and your favorite IDE and learn how you can easily get started with Python and the vSphere Automation SDK for Python, at the end of this session you will know the basics of python and using it to call the VMware vCenter API to perform some key tasks.

  1. Python 3 installed:
  2. Clone vSphere Automation SDK for Python: