HTML Client SDK VMworld

vSphere HTML SDK Sessions at VMworld 2017

It is VMworld time again! This year VMworld will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada from 27th to 31st of August and in Barcelona, Spain from 11th to 14th of September. As always, it will be an incredible and inspiring event.

We have an exciting agenda for VMworld Las Vegas, 2017. Our team is delighted to announce that we will lead 3 sessions completely dedicated to the vSphere HTML Client SDK:

Plug-ins logo
Plug-ins logo
  • Acting as One: Plug in to vSphere is a panel discussion where key HTML SDK engineers will talk about how to develop, deploy and update vSphere HTML Client plug-ins, how to transition from Flex to HTML and what pitfalls you should avoid. We will provide guidelines for developing seamlessly integrated and easy to use HTML plug-ins and share details on the certification program introduced in vSphere 6.5. Prepare your questions and be ready for active participation.
  • Discuss Plugin Experience with the vSphere Client is a session where we will discuss how we can make your experience with vSphere management solutions better. We will give you details about upcoming improvements and let you share your thoughts on how deployment, upgrade and troubleshooting works for you today and what you want to see in future.
  • Journey to a vSphere HTML Client Ecosystem is a session where you can hear from Big Switch Networks about their experience with transitioning to HTML plug-in and the new vSphere HTML Client SDK. In addition, we will provide more details on future improvements and directions of the vSphere HTML Client SDK.

And this is not all!

We are working with solution architects to prepare a self-paced Hands on Lab called “Developing a vSphere Client plugin the easy way”. During this lab, you will learn how to build intuitive vSphere Client plugins from scratch, deploy them in development and in production environment and dive into vSphere Client extensibility mechanisms. The most experienced SDK engineers will lead the lab in person.

Acting as One: Plug in to vSphere session will be held at VMworld Barcelona, 2017 too.

We are looking for good and strong dialog with all vSphere Client plug-in developers, partners and customers and we are looking forward to seeing you at VMworld.

For more details about VMworld event refer to the official site or check the official content catalogue for VMworld US and content catalogue for VMworld Europe.

Yiting Jin, Ina Uzunova and the vSphere HTML Client SDK Team