
VMware Explore Barcelona 2023 Hackathon: Projects!

Let the countdown begin! As of this writing, there are 32 days left until the festivities of VMware Explore Barcelona 2023. How about we kick it off with some friendly competition? 

VMware {code} Hackathon!

WhenMonday, November 6th from 5-11pm
WhereCahoot Coworking Barcelona
Content Catalog SessionCODE2386BCN

Sign Up Here -> Register for the VMware {code} Hackathon!

and finally…the projects!

Enabling Tanzu Application Service (TAS) Applications with AI/ML (Part Two):

Coming off the success of winning the VMware Explore Las Vegas Hackathon, Team TAS will continue their efforts to explore possibilities around enabling AI/ML workloads with Tanzu Application Service, the Spring Ecosystem, and their concept of “LLM-as-a-Service.”

👉Looking for participants … Join now!

One-stop shop to accelerate your learning of VMware and AI/ML

So, you know how sometimes you’re itching to learn new stuff in the AI/ML space, but you’re not quite sure where to start? That’s where our project comes in. What’s even cooler? How about you do this from the comfort of your home lab?!

👉Looking for participants … Join now!

vSphere UI plugin to recommending extensions to your environment:

This project is for VI admins who want to optimize their vSphere environment. The participants will work together to create a vSphere UI plugin that provides recommendation extensions to ensure the environment’s resiliency, performance, and security.

👉Looking for participants … Join now!

The Power Actions Quest:

This team is all about banding together to create a treasure trove of super handy, easy-to-use actions for Power Actions. We’re transforming the way we all interact with vSphere, making it more user-friendly, efficient, and enjoyable. Ready to leave your mark? Let’s unlock new possibilities and shape the future of VMware’s Power Actions, together!

👉Looking for participants … Join now!

VMware AI Community Tool:

This project is perfect for anyone interested in developing VMware’s AI community. Participants will build a tool for community members to share information and knowledge about AI and machine learning within VMware and beyond.

👉Looking for participants … Join now!

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