Announcements Community Events VMware {code}

VMware {code} Connect 2020!

It’s that time of year again.. momentum season!

Like every other year the VMware {code} team is ramping up for VMworld -except this year we’re hosting a two virtual event ourselves – a first for our program! You can register for the conference here


On October 1st & 2nd from 9AM PDT to 5PM PDT, we have two days packed with hands on learning, traditional sessions and live interactions to bring the {code} community together to learn, code, and connect with each other.

October 1st will serve as a sneak peak to the variety of tracks offered on October 2nd (featured below)

Highlights from the first day of the conference will include:

  • Keynote from VMware’s Kit Colbert, CTO Cloud Platform BU (9AM PDT)
  • 30 minutes traditional sessions
  • Code on the Fly Sessions (1.5 hour sessions with SME’s where customers bring their automation questions and SME’s code solutions on the fly)
  • Script Based Competition with ControlUp (Winner will get prize  + interview and be featured on ControlUp’s homepage as Script of the Month)

    • VMworld {code} Labs 2019, VMworld US

    VMworld {code} Labs 2019, VMworld US
  • Traditional/Automation Track– Main focus of these 30 minute sessions will include PowerShell, PowerCLI, REST API’s, etc. This track will also feature a Code on the Fly session by Kyle Ruddy for PowerShell and PowerCLIThe second day of the conference will be broken up into three tracks where participants can choose sessions based on their interest
  • Kubernetes– It’s no secret that Kubernetes is hot right now, and this track showcases VMware’s Tanzu portfolio. If you want to deep dive into Kubernetes, this track is for you
  • Partner– Come listen to sessions from our partners and community; Sessions in this track include IBM, Women who Code, GitHub, Pivotal, ITQ, AWS

Finally, it’s not a VMware {code} event without a Hackathon! In order to optimize time, we will be opening the Hackathon up on September 21, a week before VMworld to allow teams to work together on zoom beforehand. The time allocated on evening 2 of CodeConnect will be used for Hackathon teams’ final presentation, judging, and prizes! More details to come on the Hackathon soon!

VMworld US 2018 Hackathon

VMworld US 2019 Hackathon

VMworld EU 2018 Hackathon


Our whole conference will be running LIVE for two days. Come join for as little or as much as you want. Registration is free and up now! You can register at