One of my favorite PowerCLI tools was Onyx. If you’ve never used it, Onyx was a way to turn interactions in the vSphere console into actionable PowerCLI code. I found this extremely helpful for those hard-to-automate tasks, where no matter what I tried the command would never succeed. Many people felt the same way and let us know how helpful Onyx was to their roles. Well, Onyx has been updated for the vSphere HTML5 Web Client and it is called Code Capture!
This edition of Talking Code features this new release and what you need to know to get started.
Introducing Code Capture
For more information about Code Capture, see the PowerCLI blog post by the same title: Introducing Code Capture
For more videos in the Talking Code series, see the Talking Code Archive
As always, let us know in the comments what other videos you’d like to see in the future!