VMware {code} Events

VMware {code} at AWS re:Invent- Full Sessions Schedule

Know before you go!

Thanksgiving… a time for friends, family, food… and AWS re:Invent!

In just one short week VMware {code} will be headed to Las Vegas, Nevada, to take part in Amazon’s annual conference, re:Invent! From Monday, November 26th to Thursday, November 29th, our 30×30 VMware {code} booth will host a number of activities.

First off, we’ll be bringing back our popular Maker Space sessions, where we will host hands on labs where you can learn how to utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Participants will walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

Of course, we’re also bringing VMware {code} Power Sessions to the booth. These 30 minute, technical talks will cover topics from VMC on AWS, Kubernetes, CloudHealth, and more. For the complete schedule of Power Sessions see below.  All sessions will be live streamed on our FB page, if you have not already, make sure to throw us a “like” so you can be notified when the sessions go live.

Furthermore, those who sign up for {code} and watch a session in our booth will be eligible to receive a free cup of coffee from our espresso bar as well as a Raspberry Pi sensor of their choosing.



Are you attending re:Invent? Stop by our VMware {code} booth, booth Q505, and check out the great sessions we have planned!

As always, the VMware Communities team will be there to lend a smile and any help that is needed! Make sure you stop by and say hi and take part in the many activities that we are putting on! We hope to see you there.


The full schedule of sessions are below:


Monday November 26th, 2018


Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode10

This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake. This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth


Using Alexa skills to build Kubernetes clusters – Keynote Style! #VMwareCode11

We all love our Alexa Devices, she tells us the weather, knock knock jokes and can help you build Kubernetes clusters. In this session, you’ll walk away with a behind the scenes look at how to build VMware Kubernetes Engine clusters using Alexa skill.

Speaker Prabhu Barathi

5:30- 6:00pm

Fail fast, fix fast, learn, WIN!

Why failure is a good thing – especially in distributed systems in the cloud.We love sharing our success stories, but are embarrassed about the ones that did not work out so well.This talk will go into why you should change that mindset – especially when working in the cloud, and why fail fast, fix fast, and learn lots is a good way to go.”

Speaker: Maish Saidel-Keesing


Developer automation 101: Easily Transition Development Strategies from vSphere on-premises to VMware Cloud on AWS #VMwareCode13

VMware provides a rich set of APIs for both the private, on-premises cloud and VMware Cloud on AWS. During this session, you will learn which APIs are available, where they are located, which SDKs and CLIs you can use to access them, and how the tools and your existing skillsets are transferable to a hybrid cloud and VMware Cloud on AWS. With VMware Cloud on AWS, you have access to a new set of tools to ease development and automation by providing first-class access in the Developer Center feature. These tools make it easy to find resources and learn the APIs. Using the API explorer, you can easily see which REST APIs are available and how to use them. You can even try them out without having to worry about how to log in or write scripts.

Speaker: Kyle Ruddy

Tuesday, November 27th

Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode15

This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth

Using AWS Elasticsearch with Cognito to aggregate Kubernetes Logs (cluster and application logs) #VMwareCode16

Elasticsearch is the defacto logging tool for Kubernetes cluster information. However, many deploy a single tenant based Amazon Elasticsearch Service instant (per K8S cluster) vs an aggregated solution. AWS Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides, by default the ability to aggregate logging information from any Kubernetes location (KOPs on AWS, EKS, on-prem based K8S, VMware Kubernetes Engine, etc). This session will detail the configuration of the Amazon Elasticsearch Service with authentication (Cognito) to ensure secure log aggregation from multiple K8S clusters on VKE.

Speaker: Bahubali Shetti

Building hybrid applications with VMware and AWS Services #VMwareCode17

Many customers continue to adopt VMware Cloud on AWS, but one of the biggest benefits of this adoption remains untouched: integrating with AWS services and third-party products. This session will take you through the Developer Center found in VMware Cloud on AWS, briefly walk through the VMware Cloud API endpoints, and then focus on live demos of the integrations we have been developing. Some of these include: Amazon Lex Bots, AWS Security Services, Elastic Load Balancing, Slack Integrations, Analytics and Alerting.
Come learn how these integrations can benefit you in your environment, and how you can build integrations of your own! This is a session you do not want to miss!

Speakers: Matt Dreyer, Brian Graf

Raspberry Pi Sensor Deep Dive #VMwareCode18

Come build some cool devices with our free Raspberry Pi sensors. This session will take a look at the data formats for each of the sensors and tips for how to use them. Sensors include: BMP280, MQ-2 Gas Sensor, PIR Motion Sensor, HC-SR04 Untra Sonic Sensor, RFID-RC522, MPU-6050 Gyroscope, HMC5883L / GY-271 Compass, Raindrop Sensor, 7 Segment Display, and Joystick.

Speaker: Eric Nielson

Easily Migrate to the new standard using sprints and human intelligence

KPN’s offering of public cloud, migration using DevOps, and perhaps even some #VMConAWS

Speaker: Laurens van Gunst


Next Gen Apps #VMwareCode20

VMware encourages a strategy of any app anywhere. This session covers next generation application strategies for the cloud, where sysems interfaces are bundled with applictions and micro-deployments are managed via dev-ops driven frameworks. This 30 minute talk covers the main abstraction concepts from apps, provisioning frameoworks and platforms.

Speaker: Michael King


Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode21

This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth


Automated Governance and Cost Optimization with CloudHealth using AWS Lambda #VMwareCode22

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is so easy to use that we often forget about the opportunity for optimization. Utilizing AWS Lambda and CloudHealth, we will automate Governance and Cost optimization to ensure security compliance and overall cost savings.

Speaker: Sean O’Dell

Deliver code faster with VMware VKE and CodeStream #VMwareCode23

Kubernetes is becoming the new standard for deploying and managing software in the cloud. With VMware Kubernetes Engine (VKE), an enterprise-grade production Kubernetes cluster with full redundancy and security can be delivered in minutes, and can fully integrate into your existing DevOps toolset to deliver features faster into production. In this session, you will learn the building blocks of VKE and see how to quickly visualize how your code is going from dev to prod, with little to no manual intervention.

Speaker: Xiao Gao

Harbor Container Registry #VMwareCode24

It’s very easy to pull images from the internet and start running them in production. How does one make sure the images are safe to use in the Enterprise? Learn how to manage this using Harbor, a container image repository.

Speaker: Steve Wong

Best practices and guidelines on building an application with Istio #VMwareCode25

Using Istio helps increase visibility and management of the application. However, there are proper steps and guidelines to follow in building your Kubernetes deployment and properly building your docker containers.  We cover some guidelines which include avoiding race conditions with Istio in this session. We will use VMware Kubernetes Engine as the kubernetes service.

Speaker: Bahubali Shetti

Raspberry Pi Sensor Deep Dive #VMwareCode26

Come build some cool devices with our free Raspberry Pi sensors. This session will take a look at the data formats for each of the sensors and tips for how to use them. Sensors include: BMP280, MQ-2 Gas Sensor, PIR Motion Sensor, HC-SR04 Untra Sonic Sensor, RFID-RC522, MPU-6050 Gyroscope, HMC5883L / GY-271 Compass, Raindrop Sensor, 7 Segment Display, and Joystick.

Speaker: Eric Nielson

Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode27
This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth

Observe and Manage micro-services with Istio on VMware Kubernetes Engine #VMwareCode27
Kubernetes optimizes the deployment and management of micro-services, Istio extends that capability further by allowing us to customize the behavior of micro-services once they are running. This session will looks at how to Integrate Istio in a Kubernetes cluster on VMware Kubernetes Engine (VKE)

Speaker: Boskey Savla

Hybrid Cloud with VMWonAWS Lessioned Learned

With any migration of your datacenter services there are real-life lessons. Learn which services to start with and how to mitigate high-risk services. Join us to to learn more about these key learnings with VMware Cloud on AWS and AWS services.

Speaker: Eric Santelices

Migrate to the Cloud #VMwareCode29

VMware offers a strategic view of supporting a complex hybrid cloud environment. This session covers real world examples of how to prioritize enterprise IT use cases. Learn how enterprises are moving to the cloud.

Speaker: Michael King

Wednesday, November 28th


Career as a Service: Test, Deploy, Repeat

In a world of fast-changing technology, how do you stay current without following every trend? Some  tried and truecareer boosting and building basics from a Geek Whisperer, designed to help you take the next steps. Interpreted via the lingua franca of the cloud, memes.

Speaker: Amy H. Lewis

Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode32 This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth

Become a Microservices Ninja with Unified Metrics and Distributed Tracing #VMwareCode33
Developers and engineering teams are trading in old, monolithic systems for modern microservices-based distributed systems. But as the applications grows to multiple microservices, with increased concurrency and asynchronous nature of calls, getting full visibility into the application and understanding request call flow across different processes becomes a challenge.In this session, we will cover how Wavefront provides enhanced application observability with out-of-the-box visibility into both metrics and traces, reduced troubleshooting time, ability to optimize application performance.

Speaker: Chhavi Nijhawan

Microsoft Server 2019 – Storage Migration Services Quick Look

The latest Server OS from Microsoft has a very cool feature called Storage Migration Services. This allows you to seamlessly migrate file share workloads from older server versions to 2019 without disrupting your active users. In this brief session, I’ll demonstrate a file share migration step-by-step.

Speaker: Mike Nelson


Deploying and Managing Kubernetes in AWS with PKS #VMwareCode35
Pivotal Container Service(PKS) simplifies management of Kubernetes cluster on AWS by leveraing BOSH as the key orchestrator. This session will showcase how PKS helps deploy, upgrade and manage Kubernetes on AWS.

Speaker: Art Fewell

Cloud Operations #VMwareCode36

VMware offers true hybrid cloud management solutions. From your data center to multiple public clouds, a hybrid cloud environment can be managed effectively through modern software tools. This session touches on VMware’s strategy and products.

Speaker: Michael King

Raspberry Pi Sensor Deep Dive #VMwareCode37

Come build some cool devices with our free Raspberry Pi sensors. This session will take a look at the data formats for each of the sensors and tips for how to use them. Sensors include: BMP280, MQ-2 Gas Sensor, PIR Motion Sensor, HC-SR04 Untra Sonic Sensor, RFID-RC522, MPU-6050 Gyroscope, HMC5883L / GY-271 Compass, Raindrop Sensor, 7 Segment Display, and Joystick.

Speaker: Eric Nielson


Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode38
This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.
Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth

Application + Self Service Kubernetes + AWS Services including AWS Code Pipeline = Developer Bliss #VMwareCode39

Use VMware Kubernetes Engine and AWS Code Pipeline to ensure application development is done the simple way. Plus add in some Open Source solutions for logging and monitoring!

Speaker: Tim Davis

Function as a Service with Project Dispatch #VMwareCode40

During this roundtable, we will discuss Dispatch, the VMware framework for deploying and managing serverless style applications. VMware announced its serverless initiative at VMworld 2017, where a Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) demo using Apache OpenWhisk, an existing open source FaaS technology, was presented.This talk will review the “Dispatch” framework from VMware.

Speaker: Mark Peek


VMware Cloud on AWS Managed Service Provider Oportunities
This session will look at VMware Cloud on AWS from a partner’s perspective. Looking at the solution itself, what the partner opportunities are and how end consumers use cases can be met by the platform.

Speaker: Martin Hosken

Thursday, November 29th


Get Started Developing Against VMware Cloud on AWS with Python #VMwareCode43

VMware Cloud on AWS provides scalable highly resilient infrastructure in the cloud for easy migration and deployment of customer workloads. The service includes a full RESTful API and this quick talk will go walk through the various methods of interacting with the API to automate common operations. We will focus on Python scripting with the Python SDK and PowerShell scripting with PowerCLI.

Speakers: Kyle Ruddy, Steve Trefethen


Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode44

This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth

Integrating Native AWS Services with VMware Kubernetes Engine #VMwareCode45

This session will demonstrate the method to connect native AWS services to Kubernetes clusters deployed on VMware Kubernetes Engine (VKE). Services from multiple service families will be demonstrated against a running application as part of this session.

Speaker: Dan Illson


Monitoring PKS ( Kubernetes) with Wavefront #VMwareCode46

Use time series based metric to monitor not just Kubernetes but the application running on a cluster. Wavefront by VMware can be a single pane of glass to showcase metrics comming from various systems. This session will walkthrough how Pivotal Container Service (PKS) makes it easy to integrate with Wavefront.

Speaker: Art Fewell

Raspberry Pi Sensor Deep Dive #VMwareCode47

Come build some cool devices with our free Raspberry Pi sensors. This session will take a look at the data formats for each of the sensors and tips for how to use them. Sensors include: BMP280, MQ-2 Gas Sensor, PIR Motion Sensor, HC-SR04 Untra Sonic Sensor, RFID-RC522, MPU-6050 Gyroscope, HMC5883L / GY-271 Compass, Raindrop Sensor, 7 Segment Display, and Joystick.

Speaker: Eric Nielson

API as a foundation of Datacenter operations

AWS is a pioneer of Services Oriented Architecture (SOA). The talk is about how modern products (including infrastructure software) needs to be built with idea of API as the only way to interact with external and internal services. We’ll cover API techniques, design, architecture and will demo some real life examples.

Speaker: Petr McAllister


Open Q&A on Kubernetes

Join this session as Joe Beda, CTO and Co-Founder of Heptio, answers all your questions on anything and everything you ever wanted to know about Kubernetes.

Speaker: Joe Beda

Maker Space Tutorial: Raspberry Pi Sensor Data Acquisition via Liota (50 minute sessions repeated twice daily) #VMwareCode50

This session will introduce you to Raspberry Pi I/O, data acquisition, and various sensors. Utilize Project Liota (Little IoT Agent), an open source developer SDK for building IoT Edge System applications, and learn how to use Liota to collect data, and deliver it to AWS applications such as Wavefront. Walk away with first-hand knowledge of how to build an IoT solution and visualize the data intake.

This session will help you get started with our Maker Space Labs. Attend various VMware {code} sessions to earn a sensor, which can be used to complete a lab at the Maker Space tables in the VMware {code} booth located in the Quad at Aria.

Speakers: Devanand Kondur, Vasu Yendapally, Bill Roth