vSphere HTML Client SDK Version and Plug-Ins Compatibility

This post was authored by Ina Uzunova, Product Owner of vSphere Client SDK

This blog gives a brief overview of the HTML Client SDK version and plug-ins compatibility. It will answer a common question among plug-in developers: “Which SDK version should I use?”

There are three major variables in the compatibility matrix you need to consider:

  • vCenter Server version
  • vSphere HTML Client version
  • vSphere HTML Client SDK version

vSphere HTML Client is released for the first time in vSphere 6.5 release and its compatibility with vCenter server is officially documented here.

vSphere Web Client SDK 5.1 contained initially Java and Flex libraries, Extension points and tools. JavaScript APIs are released for the first time in the vSphere Web Client SDK 5.5 U1. They have been improved, extended and alongside the existing Java libraries, extension points and tools became an independent section of the vSphere Web Client SDK 6.5 called the vSphere HTML Client SDK 6.5. It lets you build plug-ins which are supported on both the vSphere Client and the Flex-based vSphere Web Client.

SDK Version used to create the HTML plug-in vSphere Web Client 5.5 U1 vSphere Web Client 6.0 vSphere Web Client 6.5
vSphere Client 6.5
5.5 U1 Yes Yes Yes
6.0 No Yes Yes
6.5 No Yes Yes

Note: To ensure plug-in compatibility you must follow the instructions for upgrading your plug-in.

vSphere Web Client SDK 5.5 U1 has several known limitations and a smaller set of supported JavaScript APIs compared to the vSphere HTML Client SDK 6.5.

Unless you need to support the vSphere Web Client 5.5 U1, we recommend that you use the latest vSphere HTML Client SDK 6.5. It will ensure that your plug-in is compatible with Flex-based vSphere Web Client 6.0, Flex-based vSphere Web Client 6.5 and vSphere Client 6.5, and you can take advantage of all latest APIs, tools and improvements. The differences between vSphere Web Client SDK 6.0 and 6.5 are documented in the vSphere Web Client SDK 6.5 release notes.

For more details please refer to the official documentation.