VMware Cloud Provider

Usage Meter 4.3 is Now Available!

VMware is excited to say that Usage Meter 4.3 is now available, and with it comes feature parity with Usage Meter 3.6.1. All partners running older versions of Usage Meter can now adopt Usage Meter 4.3!

Usage Meter has undergone a massive transition from an on-prem only to SaaS+Agent architecture!

How metering in Usage Meter 4.x works


By moving to a SaaS+Agent model, partners no longer need to:

  • Update Usage Meter if program changes happen
    • Usage Meter only needs to be updated when products are updated or when versions go end of life
  • Perform data retention for compliance purposes
    • All usage data is stored in the SaaS service! No need to hold onto Usage Meter appliances for 3 years
    • Though if you have a UM 3.X appliance with usage data younger than 3 years, still hold on to that!

Usage Meter Considerations Table



Product Collection Parity

Usage Meter 4.3 now meets feature parity with UM 3.6.1, so partners can migrate to the latest version without issue! Partners will need to deploy a whole new appliance one last time, but once you are on UM 4.X you can do in-place upgrades going forward.

Let’s take a look at the products metered!

Usage Meter Features Matrix


So what are you waiting for!

Download the Usage Meter appliance today from here:



Check out the upgrade and migration instructions here: