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VMware Cloud on AWS: Nov-Dec 2019 Digest

Explore all the latest news about VMware Cloud on AWS. Review the top articles from November and December and learn about the latest updates, launches and user guides. Plus, enjoy our favorite new customer and partner transformation stories.


First of all, Happy New Year! In fact, Happy New Decade! We’re excited for the wealth of interesting and useful innovations on the horizon for virtualization this year.

Before we get a head start on some new blogs coming up in 2020, here’s the Nov-Dec 2019 Digest for your enjoyment. Inside, you’ll find a recap of the last 2 months’ top articles on VMware Cloud on AWS. 

You’ll get a deep-dive understanding of the latest VMware Cloud on AWS features. You’ll find  the best product updates coming with the latest releases. We’ll walk you through some step-by-step guides and even share a few of customer and partner success stories. 

Plus, as a New Year’s bonus, we’re including links for all of 2019’s previous digests – in case you missed any of our blogs – or if you just want to review your favorites from the year past. 

It’s a jam-packed digest this month. Let’s dive in.

If you missed any of our previous months’ articles, here are the links for you:

Jan-Feb 2019 Digest

March 2019 Digest

April 2019 Digest

May 2019 Digest

June 2019 Digest

July-Aug 2019 Digest

Sep-Oct 2019 Digest


Technical Articles:


 Product Updates:

Cloud Economics, Pricing and Sizing:




Customer stories:




For more information related to VMware Cloud on AWS, here are some more learning resources for you: 

You can learn more about our VMware Cloud on AWS service at the VMware Cloud on AWS website or by viewing VMware Cloud on AWS: Overview

Follow us on Twitter @vmwarecloudaws and give us a shout with #VMWonAWS. 

Watch informative demos, overview videos, webinars and hear from our customers: VMware Cloud on AWS on YouTube.  

Try the VMware Cloud on AWS Lightening Lab for a first-hand immersive experience. 

Read our latest VMware Cloud on AWS blogs.

Obtain the VMware Cloud on AWS Solution Brief and VMware Cloud on AWS TCO 1-pager.

Follow the VMware Cloud on AWS release notes on continuing updates.

Read Technical Guides on Operations, Applications, and Performance.

Explore Feature Walkthroughs of Deployment, Configuration, Networking, and more.

Listen to latest episodes of VMware Cloud on AWS Unplugged Podcast