VMware Enterprise PKS

The PKS Workshop Is Coming to Your City! Register Today to Learn How to Run Containers and Kubernetes on vSphere!

Since the launch of VMware Pivotal Container Service (PKS) in February, we have received an overwhelming amount of interest in the product, which is why we decided to bring our PKS experts closer to you at this workshop so you can talk to them face to face.

PKS Workshop

We have designed the workshop to fit a broad level of expertise. No matter where you are on your application modernization journey, you will find useful information in the workshop.

If you are new to containers and Kubernetes, come join the workshop to learn more about these hot technologies and find out what they are, why they are so popular and how you can implement them in your organization.

If your organization is evaluating container solutions right now, come join this PKS workshop where our experts will show you how to set up a Kubernetes service stack on VMware vSphere within hours rather than days or months, with the ability to leverage your existing VMware tooling for managing Kubernetes workloads.

If your organization has already moved forward on this journey and is at the stage of containerizing and replatforming existing apps, you don’t want to miss this workshop either. Our experts will share first-hand knowledge on how to select and move traditional apps to container platforms like Kubernetes.

PKS workshop


Besides learning from experts, you will have the opportunity to get your hands on PKS to try it out by yourself, to spin up a cluster, issue a Kubernetes API call and manage an application in PKS.

Who Should Attend?

Still wondering who should attend? Anyone who is interested in containers and Kubernetes — VI admins being asked to provide containers to support app teams, IT leaders responsible for container infrastructure strategy and dev leads looking at or using Kubernetes today. Whether you are looking for personal enrichment, career advancement or expert help on current projects, the rich agenda designed and delivered by our industry experts will make sure everyone gets an immersion learning experience and walks out with the knowledge needed to move forward toward the next step.

Check the event page for more information on the agenda, times and locations. REGISTER TODAY before the seats get filled up. Stay tuned to the Cloud-Native Blog and our Twitter handle (@cloudnativeapps) for more on PKS.