
VMware Cost Insight: Cost visibility and control across clouds

Analyze cloud costs, identify savings and communicate the cost of services to the business
Businesses today rely on applications to drive innovation, efficiency and growth. But running apps in multiple public and private clouds also drives IT complexity, creating real challenges around cost visibility and control and leading to wastage of cloud resources. At the same time, IT is under increasing pressure to do more with less resources.

Introducing VMware Cost Insight, a new VMware service that enables IT to analyze cloud spend, identify opportunities for savings, and communicate the cost of cloud services to the business. Cost Insight’s capabilities extend across AWS, Azure and VMware environments. By providing granular visibility into public and private cloud costs, Cost Insight helps IT leaders map investments to strategic business priorities and ensure cost transparency.

Cost Insight dashboard: AWS, Azure and VMware costs at your fingertips

Comprehensive visibility into public and private cloud costs
Cost Insight helps you to understand total cloud spend across public and private clouds as well as drill down deeper to identify key cost drivers. With Cost Insight, you can visualize spend over time and compare costs across different clouds, regions, services, instance types, and groups to get better cost visibility.

Lower costs by identifying cloud waste
It’s not uncommon for application teams to stop virtual machines running in the cloud and forget about them. Unused resources take up precious capacity and often incur charges even when not in use. Cost Insight helps IT reduce overall cloud waste by identifying stopped virtual machines and associated storage resources across public and private clouds.

With significant IT investments and expenses incurred in both public and private clouds, IT simply cannot overlook or underestimate the cost of operations in any one of those clouds. Cost Insight provides the comprehensive visibility necessary to monitor, compare and optimize all cloud costs, whether public or private. With simplicity and ease of use, Cost Insight ensures that, at any given time, your cost of operations across multiple cloud platforms is at your fingertips.

To learn more about VMware Cost Insight, visit cloud.vmware.com/cost-insight

Try Discovery, Cost Insight, Network Insight or NSX Cloud. Available for trial until November 30, 2017.