Performance VCF Platform

VMware vCenter 8.0 U3 Tagging Performance Best Practices

The VMware Cloud Foundation performance engineering team at Broadcom is pleased to announce an updated technical paper on tagging performance best practices for VMware vCenter 8.0 U3.

The paper describes some improvements to the performance of various tagging APIs that are available for vCenter in the VMware vSphere Automation SDK, gives various code examples, and shows updated performance data.

Compared to the vCenter 7.0 U3 release, 8.0 U3 features impressive performance speedups in tag association APIs:

  • attach() shows a 40% speedup.
  • attachTagToMultipleObjects() shows a 200% speedup.
  • attachMultipleTagsToObject() shows a 31%–36% speedup.

In addition to tag association, we show data regarding querying VMs associated with tags and enhanced linked mode performance. vCenter 8.0 U3 can support the same limits as 7.0 U3 in terms of the number of tags, categories, and tag associations while offering improved performance.

The figure below is an example of some of the gains we talk about in the paper. attachTagToMultipleObjects() shows a 200% performance speedup in the time it takes to attach 15 tags to 5,000 VMs in vCenter 8.0 U3 vs. 7.0 U3.

For a comprehensive understanding of these tagging improvements, we invite you to read the full technical paper: VMware vCenter 8.0 U3 Tagging Performance Best Practices.