Announcing General Availability of VMware Cloud Foundation 3.7
Today, it’s my pleasure to announce the release of VMware Cloud Foundation 3.7. We’ve introduced a number of new features in this new release, and I’d like to take this opportunity to provide a short overview of some of them.
As with every new release of Cloud Foundation, everything starts with an updated software Bill of Materials (BOM). In this latest release, we have updated to the latest VMware product version for several of the building blocks, such as vSphere 6.7 EP6, Cloud Builder 2.0, and vRealize Lifecycle Manager 2.0.0 Patch 2. In addition to these updated software components, we are very excited to highlight the addition of Horizon 7.7. The complete Cloud Foundation 3.7 software BOM can be found in the VMware Cloud Foundation 3.7 Release Notes.
In addition to including Horizon 7.7 in the BOM, Cloud Foundation 3.7 introduces the ability to automate the deployment and configuration of the Horizon infrastructure using the VMware SDDC Manager. This capability adds a new construct in Cloud Foundation, referred to as a “Horizon Domain”, which is used to overlay Horizon Software on top of one or more Virtual Infrastructure (VI) Domains. These VI domains provide the infrastructure that makes up Horizon PODs and provide the compute, memory, and storage resources necessary to run the Horizon desktops. Cloud Foundation users are sure to appreciate the “push button” approach to expanding the VI domain infrastructure capacity when needed.
Cloud Foundation 3.7 also introduces integration with Dell EMC VxRail. VMware Cloud Foundation on VxRail is a co-engineered Partner Solution delivered by Dell EMC in partnership with VMware. This solution, when made available from Dell EMC, will align the workload domain and lifecycle management capabilities in Cloud Foundation 3.7 to provide centralized infrastructure management and comprehensive lifecycle management of both hardware and software components. Through a vCenter Plugin that communicates with the “VxRail Manager” virtual appliance, administrators will be sure to appreciate the detailed inventory, hardware monitoring, and hardware visualization capabilities. VCF on VxRail will also provide a number of Serviceability and Support Features, such as integration with Dell SRS (a proactive phone home capability), Dell eServices (including online chat with support engineers), and automated hardware maintenance tasks, including the replacement of disk drives and power supplies. Be sure to check back for an announcement when VMware Cloud Foundation on VxRail becomes available.
Also new with this release is the ability to deploy the vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager (vRSLCM) independent of other vRealize workflows in SDDC Manager. With this change, vRSLCM is now treated as a first class object that can be deployed at any time. This will facilitate future features such as applying software updates to vRealize Operations and vRealize Automation through integration between vRSLCM and SDDC Manager.
For more information on Cloud Foundation 3.7 and to learn more about these features and other capabilities that have been added, see the VMware Cloud Foundation 3.7 Release Notes. And of course, be sure, check out the rest of the VMware Cloud Foundation Documentation:
You can also reach out to @SDDCCommander via Twitter with any questions about VMware Cloud Foundation.