Career Journey

Anton Sankov on His Fully Remote Experience Working for VMware Bulgaria

What’s the future of work? Anton joined the Security Business Unit six months ago and has been fully remote from the beginning. Read why he has chosen to work at VMware Bulgaria and how he feels about remote work.

What’s your background before VMware Bulgaria?

I worked at a few different companies before joining VMware. I started my career with an internship at SAP Labs Bulgaria. Then I joined Paysafe Group, and lastly I worked at Docker, which got acquired by Mirantis. Each one of these jobs helped me grow in a different way to become the professional I am now.

How did you find out about the position at VMware?

I knew Yavor, Ventsi and Rosko from my previous gig at Docker. I was looking for a job and saw that VMware are hiring, so I gave Yavor a call. He told me more about the goals of the company and the Security Business Unit and I was onboard. A few weeks later I have passed all the interviews and got an offer, which I accepted without any hesitation.

Why did you apply?

I liked the mission of the Business Unit to help companies integrate security as a first class citizen. I also knew I would be working with very smart and open-minded people and that VMware has big plans for the Security Business Unit in Sofia. All things considered, I decided that this is the right place for me at this point in my career.

Do you find the product you work on interesting and challenging?

I do find the endpoint security domain interesting by itself. On top of that the product is challenging as we have to deal with big data, processing a lot of information, scaling in and out fast and other solving other technical challenges.

How did you feel about remote work before having the opportunity to try it?

I have always felt that remote work is the future of work. Sure, there are challenges to executing remote work correctly, but they can be addressed. And once all cogs of the remote working machine are in place, you are left with only the positive parts of it.

How did the first remote weeks go?The first remote weeks were a blur. At the beginning, I was a bit overwhelmed by all of the wikis I had to read, architecture diagrams I had to study and videos I had to watch, but with time and with the help of my teammates, everything started falling into place. In no time I started working on my first task.

How do you feel about remote work now?After 6 months of remote work, my feeling that remote is the future of work was confirmed.

What motivates you most about you work?

My main motivation is getting better and better by the day. Every problem I solve makes me better at my job. It also helps that I feel empowered by the team, to take the initiative and propose a better solution for something we are doing in a certain way. This helps me continuously improve myself, our team and the product we are building.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I want to encourage people to be brave and apply for their dream job. Often times I hear “I am not ready for the next step” or “I am not qualified enough for that job”. Don’t be afraid to apply. Sometimes it is the enthusiasm, the curiosity and the genuine desire to learn that might rule in your favor.

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