Life at VMware

Meet VMinclusion Bulgaria POD team

People don’t join companies, they join communities! Our employee-led Power of Difference (POD) groups for underrepresented communities help forge connections and promote cooperation. 

At VMware, our PODs are truly global! We have two types of PODs: Demographic – which are focused on elevating key underrepresented communities and Geographic  – that build inclusion at site-specific locations. All of our PODs are part of a global community of employee leaders passionate about the VMinclusion initiative and who are driving positive business impact.

Tell us about your work in the VMinclusion @Bulgaria POD?

Rayna Stankova, Software Engineer: As part of VMinclusion @Bulgaria POD, I aim to foster a workplace culture where everyone has an opportunity to grow, thrive and succeed. My focus is to build a women’s community and allow networking and knowledge sharing. Leading Women Who Code Sofia chapter, we organize regular events. Unfortunately, the last ones are online, where our goal is to empower our community to excel in technology careers. We have great role models on our stage who share their experiences and challenges and present their stories, inspiring the audience.

On the other hand, we in the VMinclusion @Bulgaria POD believe in the young talent and the power of the personal experience. That’s why we are passionate and actively organize and participate in the initiatives boosting the knowledge and the interest in STEM of students and kids. We are organizers, mentors and speakers at VMware Talent Boost Academy, CoderDojo, Rails Girls, Women Who Code and various conferences and meetups.

Konstantin Kunev, Program Manager, R&D Technical Education: As part of the Bulgaria POD, I’ve been mostly contributing to LGBTQ topics such as inclusive hiring and inclusive leadership through workshops and discussion panels. I’m also a volunteer at an NGO called Single Step, where I get more information from the community that I share with colleagues through different communication channels.

Velichka Chankova, Recruiter: I am not one of the core members of the POD. However, I am extremely grateful that I could contribute to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives it drives. For several consecutive years, I have driven a mentorship program for women interns, providing many benefits for mentors and mentees. Here are some of them:

For the mentees:

  • Gain inside perspective on navigating your career
  • Build confidence in new professional or technical areas
  • Explore different career paths and possibilities
  • Gain an understanding of how to work effectively in a corporate environment
  • Receive positive and constructive feedback on professional and personal areas of development
  • Expand your network of connections

For mentors:

  • Increase your professional impact
  • Build mentorship skills valuable for a senior technical or management role
  • Understand your profession, and VMware, from a different perspective
  • Connect with current students at top universities and learn about what’s being taught in academia
  • Expand your network with the next generation of employees and fellow WCW mentors
  • It also presents DEI at VMware on external events and shows our fantastic culture.

What does being part of the VMinclusion @Bulgaria POD mean to you?

Rayna Stankova: VMinclusion @Bulgaria team embraces the initiative for DEI and ensures its success at every level, not only as a business impact but for us and our personal growth. Every one of us is key to our ability to build an inclusive culture and keep our authenticity. Therefore, we are focused on driving a culture inclusive of all forms of diversity: from demographic factors such as race, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation and age to other critical factors such as function, office location, ability, personality, and life experience.

Konstantin Kunev: It’s a great opportunity to not only be myself, which anyone at VMware can be but also use my experience and knowledge to help others feel better about themselves and be more comfortable celebrating that in the company.

What did you learn about yourself while helping the causes?

Rayna Stankova: It offers a broader perspective on life beyond the daily job and empowers creativity and personal growth.

Konstantin Kunev: Mostly that I don’t have all the answers, the other folks in the POD, even though they are not all part of the LGBTQ community, have so many ideas and interesting viewpoints that I’d never get to if I were in an echo chamber. It also gave me a perspective and a better sense of understanding for the plight and experience of folks with different backgrounds.

Velichka Chankova: It takes me out of my comfort zone, provides me with a different perspective and I feel accomplished. Also, it takes me out of my routine daily tasks and inspires me.

Tell us about the people you met on this journey.

Rayna Stankova: I met diverse people not only in different professional fields and levels but with different mindsets and different personal experiences. As a result, I found and continue finding new connections, learning from others, and developing my leadership.

Konstantin Kunev: Such hardworking people that also get to spend even more time on a cause they believe in is a rare thing to see. As for the folks who use the POD’s info and resources, they are so many and so varied that all I can say to encapsulate them in a word might be “bold.”

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a better ally to the VMinclusion @Bulgaria POD community?

Rayna Stankova: Allies are critical to enabling our inclusive culture. So when someone would like to be part of the POD community, I always ask: “What is your cause?” because it’s easy when you’re passionate about the initiative you are driving.

To be a better ally, you need to recognize the topic, understand the raised problems and desire to support the corresponding community.

Konstantin Kunev: First and foremost – you don’t need to be a part of a minority or a community to be an ally; the more remote you are from the theme, the newer ideas and perspectives you can bring. And for those who are just distant due to not understanding a community – reach out. Just as with any part and team in VMware, we’re always open and happy to set aside time to share and help.

Velichka Chankova: To not be afraid of challenges and difficult time and be open and positive.