Force For Good Who We Are

VMware Sustainability Ambassadors

Today we are meeting you with VMware Sustainability Ambassadors. They are a group of like-minded people, passionate about creating a culture of sustainability at VMware and encouraging their colleagues to incorporate the principles of sustainability within their daily lives.

The VMware Sustainability Ambassadors’ efforts are organized around three main pillars:

Raising awareness—amplifying the messages from the Environmental, Social and Governance team (ESG).

External speaker series—organizing sessions with experts from various NGOs who cover topics related to Climate Change, Zero Waste, Carbon Neutrality, and Air Quality.

Cleanup events and themed workshops—organizing and coordinating events related to cleanup activities and workshops related to alternative packaging and decorations for Christmas.

How do you organize yourselves and how does VMware help them?

The group does not rely on hierarchy but on knowledge sharing. The Sustainability Ambassadors with more experience are transferring it to the newcomers. Everyone in the team can give ideas, get involved in initiatives and organize their own sustainable projects.
The ambassadors get together at a biweekly meeting, where they brainstorm ideas, select the next project and assign responsibilities among the team members.
VMware is supporting them at each step of the project cycle. The company provides them with different communication channels that help them build awareness and attract new volunteers to their cause. VMware also helps with resources and venues when there is a need.

How did you start and why?

“I took part in several volunteering initiatives and sustainability projects during my bachelor studies in the UK and soon enough got passionate about volunteering. When I found out there were similar initiatives at VMware, I was happy that I decided to apply to the company. Now, I am excited to be part of the Sustainability Ambassadors and to work with the team in Bulgaria to raise awareness and promote more sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices.” Gabriela Krasteva, Sales Compensation Consultant.

What did you learn about yourself while helping the causes?

 “I learned that by helping others and helping our nature thrive, I help myself the most. I feel useful and hopeful that good changes are possible, and that everything can be achieved little by little. One of the most wonderful and fulfilling experiences is seeing the immediate result of your hard work, which is what each sustainable project gives me. Helping causes has also transformed me into a better listener, and a better manager of my time.” Teodora Hristov, Technical Marketing Manager.

Teodora Hristov

Tell us about the people you met on this journey.

 „I met so many dedicated people who clearly understood the value of volunteering and that their actions have an impact on their future. All of them were trying to tackle sustainability issues in their own unique ways, but what was common for all of them was the fact that they were all optimists. They believe that even if the results are not instantaneous their deeds could inspire others to join their cause,” ads, Teodora.

What would you say to someone who has never been a volunteer, would like to become one, but doesn’t know where to start from?

“It doesn’t matter when you start, or what exactly you are going to do. Volunteering in its pure form is to help, to assist, to leave things better than you have found them. It can be something small at first sight – like cleaning the backyard of your building or helping an old lady with her bags. While in fact, it is special. You are changing someone’s day, bringing smiles, and making a difference. My volunteering journey started without me even realizing that I am volunteering. I still prefer to call it to help.” Janet Mihaylova, Sales Compensation Analyst.

What is volunteering for you? What motivates you to do this?

“Volunteering brings me a sense of accomplishment, a feeling that my efforts have immediately contributed to something tangible and invariably positive. It is also a great way to meet cool, active, like-minded people.” Romina Tsenova, Senior Business Operations Analyst at Tanzu Labs.

How do you find time for volunteering?

“I’m passionate about volunteering. Before I joined VMware, I often did this in my free time, after work and during the weekends. Joining VMware has made it even easier to contribute to such initiatives due to the service-learning hours each employee can take advantage of. I have found that organizing a group of colleagues or friends is the easier way to get started and find time, as a commitment to other people is also a bigger commitment in your own calendar, it gets you up and going and it amplifies the effect!” Stanimira Decheva, Junior Business Analyst.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

 “I would like to remind everyone that we do not need to change the world in a day, but it will be nice to try to change something small every day.” Teodora Hristov.