Force For Good

Force For Good Series: Breathing New Life Into the Public Library in Negovan Village

Our Force for Good series meets you with the people at VMware passionate about volunteering. They share the lessons learned in the process and the special moments from their volunteering journey that they cherish. Meet Anelia Blagoeva, part of the WS1 Intelligence R&D team.

Tell us about the cause you are supporting. 

Two months ago our manager Nikola Atanasov sent to the team a list of active options for volunteering to check if we would be interested in any of them. Renovating the public library in the Negovan village clicked with us. All team members could participate, we could all be together – like on teambuilding.

I love organizing events, so I got in touch with Anna – the lady responsible for the library, to find out what had to be done. Her own initiative to renovate the old library in the small village inspired me a lot. Shortly after 10 team members asked to join. 

What is volunteering for you? What motivates you to do this?

Volunteering is an old passion for me. In the past, I was part of a small student team for organizing thematic parties aiming to gather financial support for a charity, cause, or other enterprises. The joy of helping people in need is the greatest feeling ever and my motivation. And what motivates me, even more, is other people who want to contribute. So thanks a lot to my team for the energy and efforts they invested in cleaning and painting the space, organizing the books and giving the library a new fresh look. You are my biggest motivation.

How do you find time for volunteering?

Finding time to contribute to this cause was the easiest part, because of VMware volunteering policy and my manager’s support. A half working day and the energy of 10 colleagues were enough to breathe new life into the public library in Negovan village.

Tell us about the people you met on this journey.

I joined the team 5months ago and because of the pandemic times, I do not know my colleges a lot. This volunteering event was a great chance to get to know my team members – great people with a great desire to help. Anna, the lady responsible for the library was our teacher and manager and the greatest cake maker I have ever met. So thanks for your kindness, Anna and for the cake.