Complete You Career Journey Women At VMware

The Complete U: Anna Delcheva, Software Engineer

“The complete U” is a series of videos in which we take a closer look at the people in our community and their perspective of what it feels to work at VMware.    Creating a workplace that empowers each of us to bring our whole self to work and feel a sense of belonging is a priority at VMware. Here we can be the complete versions of ourselves and so does Anna.

What do you do at VMware?

I work in the cloud management team. We are implementing a service that gives our clients the opportunity to introduce a cloud infrastructure, independent of the cloud, in other words, our clients can place their virtual machines, networks, etc on any cloud they like – azure, amazon, google cloud, etc and have a fully functional architecture.

It’s clear that you love a fast and extreme environment around you. What keeps your interest in your daily tasks at work?

I have a lot of challenges in my day-to-day work which keep my interest. Also, the main hobby in my life was always programming first and that is why I still love my job and is my biggest interest. We have tight schedules, customer urgent issues, hard-core CI/CD, and great, great people on my team, which make my life full and complete.

You talk about an IoT project that you recently worked on. Share with us something more about it.

This project was related to two of my great passions – cars and programming, and I guess that was the main reason I first attended the team. It was a great experience for me. I’ve managed to extend my technical and soft skills for these 4 months I was working on the project. Basically, our idea was to introduce a “smart car mechanism” – which means for a person to be able to manage his car the way he manages his phone, to install software improvements and upgrades with just two clicks. At the end of the day, the idea evolved so much, that we introduced a “proof of concept” product to actually install whatever you like on every machine in your life like fridges, TVs, etc.

What brings you a feeling of freedom at work?

My job is related to a lot of decisions, ideas, problems, and solutions, and @VMware I actually get the opportunity to do all of this stuff and to do them the way I see it, which is great. I also have the opportunity to volunteer on some causes in my working hours, which is also thanks to the company I work in and to their values. Also, the working hours are very flexible and this gives you the ability to easily manage your working and personal tasks and to complete them both efficiently.

Tell us about a cause you supported together with your team that was very meaningful to you.

Actually the previous week our whole team organized and we went to Vitosha to plant trees and this was great! It was very inspiring! We manage to plant 700 trees for one day and for me this was the first tree that I plant in my life and that really made me proud. I really hope that most of the companies give their employees similar opportunities as this helps you develop as a professional and also as a human, which is not to underestimate.

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