
Awards for Excellence 2023, Vote now for VMware!

On May 25 the Data News Awards for Excellence takes place in Brussels Expo. This year is the 24th edition.

They announce no less than 14 exceptional awards, each one a symbol of excellence in its category. These awards are the result of a solid selection process by the editorial staff of Data News, the readers of Data News
and a jury of ICT professionals. The 15th category is the ICT Personality, chosen by the Data News editorial staff. VMware has been listed in the following categories:

  1. CUSTOMER CENTRIC IT COMPANY OF THE YEAR – Customer satisfaction is no longer value for money. This award celebrates the mutual trust and respect in a buyer-supplier ecosystem that results in comfort in relationship and happiness, characterized by the supplier’s deep understanding and expertise of businesses, processes and technology.
  2. CYBERSECURITY COMPANY OF THE YEAR – People, policies, and processes are the keys to protecting or securing information assets. Looking at the news headlines only confirms the true need for cybersecurity. This award honors companies who deliver rigorous enterprise grade protection, while ensuring business continuity without disruption and loss in assets.
  3. DIGITAL WORKPLACE INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR – This award seeks to identify those technology companies and IT solution providers who manage to come up with new, innovative digital workplace solutions and/or integrate them, while at the same time maintaining a key focus on employee safety & well-being. We’re looking for technology companies and IT solution providers who help organizations in enhancing the total employee experience in a non-traditional remote work model and embracing the ‘new’ hybrid workforce model.
  4. ENTERPRISE APPLICATION INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR – This award is aimed at technology trendsetters that open up new possibilities in the field of enterprise applications – front-end or back-end: software as a product or software as a service. We’re highlighting innovative enterprise applications that e.g. break new ground for accelerated growth, efficient business processes, additional added value or generating new business.
  5. IT INFRASTRUCTURE & CLOUD INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR – ICT-infrastructure is core. And infrastructure is constantly evolving. This award wants to applaud companies who manage to successfully innovate (parts of) their on-premise, cloud based or hybrid infrastructure platform(s) in storage, computing and networking thus making next-gen applications for end customers a reality.

Please help us and vote for VMware here. You can vote until 14th of April.