global impact

Global Impact Report: we’re building a responsible business

Some weeks ago, VMware published its latest Global Impact Report 2020. It highlights our achievements and commitments as it maintains its promise to be a force for good. We’re living in a time of continuing global challenges – from the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, geopolitical uncertainty and social injustice. However, VMware remains committed to supporting its business and customers navigate through the disruption and create a more resilient, responsible world for future generations.

The latest report highlights key accomplishments and milestones for VMware’s 2020 goals, set out five years ago. In short these are the highlights include:

  • Since 2003, VMware’s product portfolio has helped its customers avoid over 1.2 billion metric tons of carbon emissions
  • In addition, in our global facilities, VMware now sources 100% of electricity from renewable sources
  • VMware has achieved CarbonNeutral Company certification for two consecutive years
  • More than 22,100 VMware employees supported more than 10,000 nonprofit initiatives in 97 countries
  • VMware IT Academy partnered with over 2,400 education institutions in 93 countries with over 48K students


Customers use VMware for Social & Environmental Impact

VMware also reports how its customers are using its solutions for social good. For instance the Netherlands Cancer Institute is using VMware solutions to deliver pioneering cancer research and help cancer patients improve their quality of life. Likewise Yorkshire Water is reducing its energy consumption thanks to VMware as part of its commitment to sustainability. And Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale is reducing traffic congestion and become a smarter city with the help of VMware solutions.

United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

Global change requires collaboration across geographies, companies and communities to address the structural and systemic challenges. So, in recognition of this, in 2019 VMware joined the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative: the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). VMware is aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, leveraging the principles and priorities to provide a clear framework to drive global and exponential positive impact.

2030 Vision

Looking ahead, VMware envisions a future that is equitable, inclusive and just; where the dignity, health and well-being of all people come first; where technology solves complex problems and engenders trust for all who depend on it. In this future, businesses and governments will meet UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through sustainable innovation, collaboration and policy, creating greater prosperity and opportunity for all. So, VMware is building a secure, resilient and sustainable digital foundation for a future in which its technology will make a positive impact on all its stakeholders: employees, customers, shareholders, citizens, communities and our planet.

VMware’s long-term vision for 2030 will be focused on the outcomes of Equity, Trust and Sustainability:

  • The trust of all our stakeholders, inspired by our commitment to resilience, ethics, data privacy and intrinsic security
  • Equitable access for all to the opportunities of the digital future
  • Sustainable digital infrastructure, achieved through radical efficiency and renewable energy, supporting the transition to net-zero emissions.


Pat Gelsinger, CEO VMware: As business leaders, we face an urgent call to pay attention to the world around us. To listen, to learn and to take collective action that benefits the many versus the few. We have work to do. Translating a long-term vision for 2030 into concrete business objectives requires a new kind of thinking, a commitment to operationalizing bold goals and embedding ESG more deeply into the rhythms of our business. Corporate responsibility is no longer a nice to have, it’s a business imperative. Let’s harness this defining moment to innovate and shape a better and more resilient world for all.”