
Cyprien’s BOM for ESXi-Arm Fling

With the ESXi-Arm Fling out there, people started to share their Arm BOM. It’s my turn to show my Arm muscles! Welcome to my first Home Lab, sort of.

The cluster of 4 GB Raspberry Pi 4

Cluster of Raspberry Pi 4 with Ethernet switch and power supply

Note that there are no micro-SD card in here. I personally have all Raspberry Pi setup to load UEFI from the network (it requires updating the EEPROM configuration), but you can also copy the Raspberry Pi and UEFI files to the USB Flash Drives after ESXi installation.

What’s coming:

The 8GB Raspberry Pi 4

3 Raspberry Pi 8GB with a nice power supply.

What’s coming:

What’s next:

The HoneyComb LX2K

This is certainly the big sister of all the Raspberry Pi here. This “Powerful 16 Core LX2160A Mini ITX Arm® Workstation” is a beast.

What’s coming:


Some other useful parts I’ve been using: