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New Release: vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 R2


I am pleased to announce that vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 R2 has now been released and has some great new features.  In this release we take PowerCLI one step further and allow even more troubleshooting, reporting and automation of vCloud Suite products by introducing easy access to vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) APIs through the core PowerCLI cmdlets.


Why wait, download the latest version today from here.

vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 Release 2 introduces the following new features and improvements, for a full list of all that has changed please check the full vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 R2 Release notes here.

Full management of the vCenter SRM Public API

Using the Connect-SRMServer and Disconnect-SRMServer you are now able to connect to vCenter SRM and access
all public APIs available, use of the $global:DefaultSrmServers object properties and methods after connection allow for access to recovery group and protection group automation, see the built in help and examples for more information and watch out for future posts with more information on this site.

Support for creating and removing Tags and Tag Categories

Enhancing the cmdlets from the previous version of PowerCLI we are now able to use PowerCLI for complete Tag management with the added New/Set/Remove Tag and TagCategory cmdlets.

Enable/Retrieve information on EVC Mode for Clusters

Adjustments to the Host and Cluster Cmdlets now allow for enabling, disabling and retrieving information for EVC Mode making automated build environments one step easier to accomplish.

Security policies for vSphere standard switch and port groups

Security policies can now be easily adjusted on vSphere standard switches and portgoups using the Get/Set-SecurityPolicy cmdelts.

Added support for PowerShell 4.0

PowerCLI can now be installed and used with the latest version of PowerShell at this time, PowerShell 4.0

Added support for IPv6

PowerCLI has now been updated to support vSphere servers configured with IPv6

Added statistical information

PowerCLI has been updated and we have added the ability to specify all supported types including clusters, datastores, etc and retrieve more statistical information via the Get-Stat and Get-StatType cmdlets.

64 bit Support

The New/Set-OSCustomizationSpec cmdlets have been updated to work in 64-bit PowerShell and no longer require running in a 32-bit PowerShell environment.

Even more updates

The above list is a high level list of the updates made to vSphere PowerCLI, for a more comprehensive list including all parameter and functional improvements, security enhancements, and deprecated features, see the vSphere PowerCLI Release Notes and the vSphere PowerCLI Change Log.

For more information on specific product features, see the VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 Release 2 User’s Guide.

For more information on specific cmdlets, see the VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 Release 2 Cmdlet Reference.

Download and Install PowerCLI 5.5 Release 2 today from here.