
Hope you enjoyed the PowerShell lab at VMworld Europe.

We here on the VI Toolkit (for Windows) team know just how exciting PowerShell is, but sometimes we’re surprised to learn just how many people agree. Our PowerShell lab at VMworld Europe was attended by over 250 students. What surprised me most though, was that we noticed at least 3 different people working on the PowerShell lab for over 3 hours each. Considering all the great sessions and other labs offered at VMworld Europe, this is really a testament to how important PowerShell is going to be for system management in the coming years.

For most people this was the first time they had even seen our PowerShell cmdlets, but it was clear from the feedback we received that people immediately recognize how useful this will be and can’t wait to get their hands on our upcoming Beta.

When we were designing the lab manual we intentionally made it pretty much impossible to do all 20 problems during the lab. The reasoning was two-fold: First to give you a flavor of all the things you can do with the VI Toolkit (for Windows), and second so that the lab manual would be advanced enough to have practical examples that you could build on as you begin to develop your own PowerShell scripts to manage VMware.

So if you’ve been looking for the manual, or if you didn’t manage to make it to VMworld Europe, you should still be able to get a lot of value out of the VMworld Europe 2008 Automating VMware with PowerShell Lab Manual.

Now, about that Beta I mentioned above: The VI Toolkit (for Windows) will Beta this month, so you don’t have very much longer to wait. If you still feel like you can’t wait, you can always email [email protected] and request our technology preview. Either way, stay tuned for our upcoming Beta announcement!