
PowerGUI releases a huge new PowerPack for managing VMware!

Powergui The guys over at Quest have been working hard and have made a massive update to their PowerGUI PowerPack for VMware management. Whether you're a PowerShell expert or just starting out, PowerGUI is a great way to manage VMware because not only does it provide a simple, point-and-click way to manage your ESX servers, but PowerGUI also generates real, usable PowerShell code as you click. This code generation feature will have you automating in no time, even if you're not a PowerShell expert.

Kirk Munro notes that there's a whole slew of new features, some of my favorites include:

  1. Seamless management of multiple ESX or vCenter (formerly known as Virtual Center) hosts.
  2. Enhanced navigation of the VMware inventory that will be very familiar to people who use the VI Client.
  3. Lots of new object types and actions.
  4. The ability to browse files on datastores.

You can get started by downloading PowerGUI over at PowerGUI.org. Also be sure to read Kirk's announcement over at Poshoholic, Kirk's blog has 100% more snowfall than this blog does.

Congratulations to Kirk and the rest of the PowerGUI team!