
June 2009 PowerCLI Webinar, vote for the topics you want to see.

A lot of people see the power and potential of automating with VMware’s PowerCLI (formerly called the VI Toolkit for Windows in case you missed the announcement), but it’s hard to find time to learn it well enough to get meaningful value out of it.

So we’re going to begin a series of webinars to help address this difficulty. In an attempt to make the webinar more relevant we’re going to do a few things a bit differently:

  1. Open agenda. In other words, you vote on the topics you want to see and we prepare examples relevant to the topic.
  2. A full recording of the webinar will be archived.
  3. All sample scripts we create will be downloadable in a single bundle.

You can vote on our voting site or use the widget below. Note you can also submit ideas of your own. Even if we don’t cover them in June we may add them to the voting list for future months and cover them later.

Voting will close on May 15 to give us time to prepare the webinar. The exact date and webinar details will be published later, so stay tuned and happy voting.