
PowerCLI first steps with LucD

Many of you have probably had a communities post answered by LucD… I know I have!

He it the most active PowerCLI member and one of the most respected vExperts and PowerShell/PowerCLI users in the community.  Luc has presented at many VMworld sessions and VMUGS alike, he has a great blog with some great posts here: Lucd.info

For those of you wanting to learn PowerCLI and not knowing where to start idera recently announced he will be performing a session on PowerCLI first steps.

This is highly recommended for both beginners and experts alike.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

12:00 – 01:00 PM Central Time

Register here: https://www.vconferenceonline.com/event/regeventweb.aspx?id=560