
PowerCLI at VMworld 2011 Copenhagen

Following on from the success of VMworld 2011 Las Vegas and all the great PowerCLI related sessions and labs, VMworld Copenhagen should be just as packed with PowerShell goodness. Make sure you add the following sessions to your scheduler (available now on VMworld.com).

There are some great sessions from VMware employees and PowerCLI users alike, including more information on the cmdlets for vCloud Director first mentioned at VMworld Las Vegas, these will be part of session VSP2296 and demos of the new Image Builder and Auto Deploy cmdlets in session VSP1882.

Also available at VMworld Copenhagen will be printed versions of the 5.0 PowerCLI poster and the new ESXi Reference poster (numbers are slim so grab ne quick).

Apparently we are also due another sighting of PowerCLI-Man !


Also don’t forget to attend PowerCLI Lab (Lab 14)

Well worth attending and 4th in the list of most attended sessions at VMworld Las Vegas !


Alan Renouf – Technical Marketing