
Come see PowerCLI at the San Diego VMUG, October 22 2009

If you’re in the San Diego area next week don’t miss the San Diego VMUG because I, your humble servant, will grace you with my presence and the vast stores of wisdom one only obtains through thousands of lonely nights in front of the computer.

I’ll be there to talk about – what else, PowerCLI and how it will help you automate your way to bliss.

As always I’ll be spending a lot of time on hands-on demos that will give you a first hand feel for what PowerCLI is and how it works. I’ll be covering reporting, provisioning and storage management, three of the most popular topics among PowerCLI users, with lots of new tips that are sure to save you lots of time. I’ll even be previewing a few new features from our upcoming release, so there’s something for everyone from beginner to expert.

Most people would call that a full day. BUT WAIT THERE”S MORE! You’ll also get the rare opportunity to see a presentation on the Virtualization Ecoshell. Now how much would you pay?

Hope to see you there.