
VMworld 2009: PowerCLI and PowerShell roundup.

There’s a lot of stuff related to PowerCLI and PowerShell going on at VMworld, so it really deserves a summary of everything. It’s not enough to rename the event to PowerCLIWorld 2009 (maybe next year) but it’s still a pretty big list. Each of the sessions below either talks about PowerCLI directly and in depth, or introduces a new PowerShell tool.

  1. VM2241 – Managing vSphere with PowerCLI
  2. TA2650 – Take PowerCLI to the next level
  3. DV2507 – VMware View – Upcoming Attractions
  4. EA2526 – Sharepoint vSphere Best Practices
  5. TA3521 — vNetwork Monitoring/Troubleshooting Demystification and Ecosystem Tool Demonstration

So if you’re looking to get more automated, scale out your existing environment, or just save a lot of time, be sure to check all these sessions out. Visit vmworld.com to add them to your schedule.