
What to do when you can’t find what you’re looking for.

Ever had a problem to solve but not sure how to proceed? This little function might help you out, it searches through all available PowerShell commands looking for a keyword you specify, and will search the full help text, including the examples.


For example, let’s say that in PowerCLI you’re trying to set up or diagnose VMotion, but not sure what cmdlets might help. All you’ve got to do is load this function, then run Search-Help vmotion, which will return this list.

CommandType     Name                            Definition
———–     —-                            ———-
Cmdlet          Move-VM                         Move-VM [[-VM] <VirtualMachi…
Cmdlet          New-Cluster                     New-Cluster [-Name] <String>…
Cmdlet          New-VMHostNetworkAdapter        New-VMHostNetworkAdapter [[-…
Cmdlet          Set-Cluster                     Set-Cluster [[-Cluster] <Clu…
Cmdlet          Set-VMHost                      Set-VMHost [[-State] <Nullab…
Cmdlet          Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter        Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Ph…

You can then run help on any of the results to drill down further.