
VI Toolkit on PowerScripting Podcast

I’ve been backlogged recently so I haven’t managed to post this until now, but you can hear me talking about 1.5, tips, and also a peek into the future over at the PowerScripting Podcast.

Looks like Eric Sloof found it interesting as he’s managed to figure out the options that make VI Client more verbose when logging. The options I used were –log +n, and I don’t know the difference between +n and +sd. Still, using these options you can take action within VI Client and later generate a PowerShell script based on the log contents. This is really helpful when you need an example of doing some of the VI API’s most difficult tasks. I’ll try to write more about this some other time, but I did use it to write my disk resizing script (see below), and the API in this case was quite tricky.