
Some recent highlights from the VI Toolkit community.

One user has suggested we rename the VI Toolkit forum the "Ask Luc Forum", referring to Luc Deken’s continuous help and support to other toolkit users. Here’s a few recent highlights from the forum, with Luc making quite a few appearances.

A previous post on this blog shows how to modify VMX file settings, but some VMX file setting can’t be changed in this way. Changing a VM’s boot delay is a good example. If you need to configure VM boot settings, Luc shows a way this can be done, using an API specifically designed for VM boot settings.

If you’re accustomed to logging into ESX and using the esxcfg-mpath command, but are looking for something that works at the VirtualCenter level, across all your ESX hosts, Hal has some code that makes it really easy to make storage path reports across all your ESX server.

Hugo shows how you can use the -expand switch of PowerShell’s Select-Object cmdlet to easily display a VM’s available and used disk space (assuming the VM is running VMware Tools).

If you have VMs with multiple adapters that are members of multiple port groups, Luc has some tips that make it really easy to report on which VMs are connected to which port groups.

Finally, if you’re writing reports and want the results emailed to you, Luc shows an easy PowerShell script to generate email.