
Read about the financial meltdown and your VMware meltdown all in one place

If you’re like me, and I know I am, you spend an hour or two a day reading through RSS feeds. In fact, I found out about this really cool new script from Hal Rottenberg through my RSS reader, courtesy of Alan Renouf, even though Hal emailed me to tell me about it (I get so much mail from Hal I usually just ignore it.)

The beauty of RSS (in case you’ve been living under a technological rock for the past few years) is that everything comes to you, rather than the other way around. How many times a day do you really want to log into your VI to figure out what’s going on anyway? In VI you can get email notifications, but this is only for alarms, in addition to being a bad idea in general. If you look through Hal’s feed you can see that this tells you about everything, including things like an ominous warning from VMware Update Manager that it only has about 500 megabytes of space left. Just add it to your RSS aggregator of choice and suddenly you know everything that’s going on with your VI with minimal effort.

Hal hasn’t made his script public, it seems he’s using it as a teaser for his upcoming book. Let’s hope he hurries up, so drop him a note and tell him to stop goofing off all the time.