
And the winner of the VI Toolkit Scripting Contest is…

going to be announced later today. But since I have your attention, I wanted to mention two blogs that any PowerShell enthusiast should be subscribed to:

First is PeetersOnline.nl by Hugo Peeters. Hugo’s been running a "Helpful Script of the day" feature for a while now, and there’s a lot of really useful stuff there, such as:

And Hugo also talks about our VMware Update Manager cmdlets along with an example that will help you figure out which updates your ESX host is lacking.

Next is Virtu-Al by Alan Renouf. Alan has a really amazing script that will generate a VI report in MS Word, which he entered into our contest. The results are really incredible. In addition to that, Alan has a lot of other PowerShell tips and tricks collected from all over, such as an automated way to change DNS and WINS all over the place.

Anyway, stay tuned for our contest winner announcement!