Product Announcements

What’s New In ESXCLI 5.1

With the release of vSphere 5.1, there have been some major enhancements to ESXCLI which is part of the vCLI 5.1 release, also available with the latest vMA 5.1. Here’s a quick summary overview of the ESXCLI top level root namespaces that have received updates.

82 new ESXCLI commands:

  • 7 hardware

  • 2 sched

  • 47 network

  • 15 storage

  • 11 system

In addition to the new ESXCLI commands for vSphere 5.1 features, we continue to bring further parity from some of our legacy esxcfg-* and vicfg-* commands over to ESXCLI and to standardize on a common command-line interface for host configuration and management. In this release, we have introduced the following new namespaces:

Previous Command New ESXCLI Command
esxcfg-route/vicfg-route esxcli network ip route
vicfg-snmp esxcli system snmp
vicfg-hostops (maintenance mode) esxcli system maintenanceMode
vicfg-hostops (shutdown/reboot) esxcli system shutdown

For more details on all the new ESXCLI commands, please take a look at the release notes here. Also stay tuned for upcoming blogs posts in which we will be exploring some of the new ESXCLI 5.1 commands in greater detail!

Download: vSphere CLI 5.1

Also don’t forget to check out our updated VMware ESXi reference poster which has recently been refreshed for ESXi 5.1 and you can download your copy here.

Additional Information

If you are visiting VMworld Europe in 2012 make sure you add  INF-VSP1252 – What’s New with vSphere 5.1 – ESXCLI & PowerCLI to your session list and we hope to see you there!

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